Blood sugar drop

I've been on the diet for about 3 weeks. I've done pretty well at maintaining my 1600 calorie goal with only a few days that went slightly over. Yesterday, I succumbed to peer pressure and ate a large (16 oz) steak and dry baked potato. About an hour after the meal, I began to feel weak, dizzy, and sweaty. I checked my blood sugar and it was 31! 3000 calories worth of candy bars and Cokes later, I was fine.

My Internet diagnosis is "Reactive Hypoglycemia" due to the large influx of food and my body over producing insulin. It sounds logical, but it doesn't fit my case exactly. Any other theories?

A little background: 35 year old male, 5'8" 188, pretty good shape, no medical problems, not diabetic. 1600 cal/day for about 3 weeks and I've lost 6-8 lbs. No restrictions on carbs or proteins. Only calories.



  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Could have just been an anomaly. I just looked at your diary... we're about the same size (I'm an inch shorter and 10 lbs lighter, but female too) and my goal is set to 1660 per day... but then I only set my goal to lose .5lbs/week. You were pretty under your goal the day before the steak incident. Maybe try and really keep consistent with eating back in those exercise calories. I would think you just need to eat smaller meals more frequently.
  • janet0513
    janet0513 Posts: 564 Member
    I think you need to see your doctor and have some labs done. I wouldn't consider 38 carbs a high carb meal. They need to do a glucose tolerence test, A1c and insulin levels.