Dr Oz calorie confusion plan



  • brendacs21
    brendacs21 Posts: 180 Member
    I read this in a book recently "the Petite Diet" this one said if you are 5'4 and under to do it . (calorie cycling) 2 days of 1100 and 1 day of 1600. I dont mind the 1600 but theres no way i could do 1100. or at least i think i couldnt, i havent tried.
  • Chood5
    Chood5 Posts: 259 Member
    Yes, Dr. Oz's plan is to cause confusion. Don't be a sucker.

  • 13519485
    13519485 Posts: 264
  • ashlysnd
    ashlysnd Posts: 72 Member
    I tried zig-zagging (or calorie cycling) for about a week. I didnt care for it, so I went to a daily limit, but I think it is good idea in theory. I did not find out about this thru the tv, rather during research. I am posting the link to the site if anyone wants to see what it would look like for your body/lifestyle. It should be based on your body and not a "one size fits all" in my opinion.

  • kimmae17
    kimmae17 Posts: 64 Member
    I used to like Dr. Oz when he was only occasionally on tv (like on oprah) now that he has his own show it seems like hes just running with any random story or study, because he has to come up with SOMETHING to talk about every day! i mean how much health related shows can you have before you start bull****ting?
  • Pisc2749
    Pisc2749 Posts: 61 Member
    I used to like Dr. Oz when he was only occasionally on tv (like on oprah) now that he has his own show it seems like hes just running with any random story or study, because he has to come up with SOMETHING to talk about every day! i mean how much health related shows can you have before you start bull****ting?

    I agree with you 100%. I've often thought his topics sound iffy and like they have a bunch of interns backstage looking up random stuff on the internet for him to talk about. Often his advice is flakey and inconsistent. I would much rather see him devote an entire show to ONE subject and really go indepth with it, like actually inform people - rather than skim over 12 things in a show. I know his intentions are good, but his show sucks. He seems to shill a lot of weird supplements - why not talk more about nutrition and exercise rather than tell people to take something that will "burn belly fat". It's vitamins and herbs but still...
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Am I the only one who got a massive case of the farts doing calorie zigzagging? Somebody tell me I'm not.