Trying to loose weight in Winston Salem/ High Point NC

I bought this living social deal for a weight loss clinic in Kernersville today. I hope this works out!

This is a description of what they do I saw on their Facebook page. Has anyone ever done something like this before?

hen you come in you get weighed, measured, have your blood pressure taken and the Dr checks your heart and lungs (a mini physical) If all is well, she writes you a prescription for the Phentermine. That is the appetite suppressant that you take daily and you have a 5 week supply. You then start your HCG shots which you will do twice a week for 5 weeks. They release stored body fat all over and are awesome for losing inches and stubborn belly fat. you also do the Lipotripics shots twice a week. They dissolve fat where you put them so you can choose problem areas to reduce fat and cellulite. next you will do a B-12 shot once a week. this is for energy, but it also helps reset your metabolism and helps you lose weight. The Dr meets with you one on one for a consultation when you come in and answers any questions you may have and advises you on a high protien diet which will also be discussed in detail in a booklet that you will take home with you. The shots are given with an insulin needle so it is very tiny and doesn't hurt. The cost for the first visit is 200 to start and 150.00 every 5 weeks for as long as you wish to come to reach your goal weight.


  • jobwright
    jobwright Posts: 5
    Is this healthy?
  • iAm_misspiggy
    iAm_misspiggy Posts: 35 Member
    A lot of people have done it. I was wondering who on MFP have done it.
  • jzaz903
    jzaz903 Posts: 306 Member
    Is this healthy?

    Nope. MFP does not support HCG diets, it is my understanding that they have you eat 500 calories a day, which is not enough to get your nutrients and fuel your body.