Insanity Work Out - Worth the Money?



  • SexyCook
    SexyCook Posts: 2,253 Member
    I have TONS of Pals that Do it , Love it, and Body has Tranformed madly from doing it...GO FOR IT!
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    I completed the program and saw nice results but it was a total beat down for me. You can see my side by side before and after pic in my profile where I lost 10 pounds but I wouldn't do it again. I know alot of people love it, but for me it was like punishment everyday. If you love cardio I say go for it. If you are like me and prefer weight training, I would look else where.
  • anarod0513
    anarod0513 Posts: 119
    I am in my third week of nsanity, and I love how it pushes me to m limits. But, it is very intense!!!
  • cweiler4
    cweiler4 Posts: 374 Member
    Definitely well worth the money. Loved it!!
  • marathon64
    marathon64 Posts: 378 Member
    You will DEF get stronger from this program. The resistance moves are great. I find him motivating. To be honest I hate it while I'm doing it but feel incredible after and the results cannot be denied.
  • ChelseaM18
    ChelseaM18 Posts: 303
    I tried it before from a friend, it definitely burns ALOT of calories. But, ANY workout you do is worth something, and many don't have such a hefty price tag. Running, youtube drills, internet exercise programs are free and work great. Not slating Insanity, it's great and I love Shaun T, he's a really great motivator :) . However, if you're looking to save money, try something free!
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    Is it worth the $? Probably, but why pay for something you can get for free! :wink: I downloaded the complete program at All you need is a torrent download program, like Vuze, which is also free. From there you can either burn it to a dvd, play it off your computer, or stream it through your ps3 or xbox 360. I've said A LOT of money with that website lol.
  • jademh
    jademh Posts: 94
    Hello, I've completed Insanity 3x and am currently on week 2 of round 4...obviously i'm addicted & to me it is worth every penny!!! Feel free to add me for tips & whatnot! :)

    my first round i lost about 25lbs and dropped 2 pants sizes... in just 2 months. I got into crazy-good shape and I loved it. It Is really the best cardio you will ever get if you push yourself completely!! You gotta want it bad enough because it is tough & i know people who bought it did a week and quit.

    Stick with it and you will get amazing results for sure!! I live by it now!! INSANITY is the best workout I EVER DID!!! :D
  • pgp90xer
    pgp90xer Posts: 219 Member
    For sure it is worth the money!

    Just get the pause button ready!!!!
  • 987Runner
    987Runner Posts: 209
    How did everyone get their copy? Did you purchase it or get a burned copy?
  • marathon64
    marathon64 Posts: 378 Member
    Or just go to the store and STEAL some fitness stuff. Same thing!
  • 987Runner
    987Runner Posts: 209
    Or just go to the store and STEAL some fitness stuff. Same thing!

    That's EXACTLY how I feel but hubby doesn't. I'm not into that burning copyrighted stuff. I'm not one of those, "everyone else is doing it, why shouldn't you?" type of people.
  • tbellamy1
    tbellamy1 Posts: 353
    I finished my first round last week and I already have plans to start another cycle in a month or so. The key thing to remember is to eat well. My stamina is much better than before, my legs are stronger.... I FEEL GOOD ALL OVER!!! I would say it is definitely worth the money and dedication. You dont need all the fancy workout stuff.. Just a mat for floor exercises, a mop for the sweat and a cold bottle of water. If you dont have a HRM Id say get 1 to keep track of your burns. I :heart: Insanity!!! I purchased mine from NOT BOOTLEGGED!!! Besides they give you so much info when you order, you get a calendar and the insanity diet guide to help you! order it, its worth the money!