Im Graduating this year and i do Turbo Jam

Hi! My name is Agatha and Im graduating this year. I've been accumulating a bit of what us animators call "studio chubs". I study computer animation and its pretty sedentary. Im pretty much computer bound almost 24/7. So i've been trying to take at least one hour a day for 6 out of 7 days of my week to work out.

My work out of choice is Turbo Jam. Its been the only thing that actually keeps me at least a little pumped for exercise. I have a gym membership, but due to my workload im kinda wasting money....

I just wanna make some friends on here who can Anyone else turbo jamming? Or P90x-ing? :D


  • meg7399
    meg7399 Posts: 672 Member
    Turbo Jams is my go to workout! I like it because they have a 20 minute jam and after chasing the kids I teach all day it is sometimes all I can handle!!
  • jcan1588
    jcan1588 Posts: 26 Member
    try adding turbofire too its alot of fun like tj.
  • agatronmeows
    agatronmeows Posts: 11 Member
    I love the 20 min one too. There is a 30 min one, i think its cardio remix and its a little more pumped but its short so its cool. :D
  • agatronmeows
    agatronmeows Posts: 11 Member
    I would love to try that out! I think i need to get a bit more fit before i jump into that one :p
  • sunnyspirits
    sunnyspirits Posts: 9 Member
    Turbo Jams is my go to workout! I like it because they have a 20 minute jam and after chasing the kids I teach all day it is sometimes all I can handle!!

    I agree!!! I teach all day and come home to young boys of my own. I find that if i do it in the mornings (yes this means waking up at 5:30am) i am wiped after dinner, but it's totally worth it. :)
  • I do the Turbo Jam 40min cardio party and love it! How often do you turbo jam? Any results from it?