Hi my names Aislinn ^_^

Hello everyone, glad to find a site like this to help me keep track of my weight loss. :) Im 5'4" 160 lbs and just had a baby in february I also have a 2 year old.Im only 20 years old so I want to look as good as I can for a mom of 2. I may not be able to fix my stretchmarks or the horrible tattoo across my tummy, but I really want to get my old weight back, even maybe shed a few extra pounds. :p So I set the bar at about 1200 calories a day, but I have to add in the Im breastfeeding and shedding about 500 extra a day so Im trying not to go over 1700 a day. I am always struggling with the way I see myself and almost ruined my milk production beccause of it and gained back 5 pounds when I got on a reasonable diet for a breastfeeding mother. So here I go, and with a wedding only 2 months away :)