This is me Jbean

jbean17 Posts: 25 Member
Well to start off I will say that struggling with my weight is nothing new to me it's something I have done all my life. I have been the perfect portrayal of a yo-yo. I am at my very heaviest at the age of 24.

It feels my weight has got so out of hand that it's discouraging it seems impossible to be "where I want to be" ultimately I have more than a 100lbs I could lose if not more. My goal right now is 80lbs at least in the next year.... My fiancé and u have set a date to get married next summer and I feel it's important to me to look healthier and feel better than I do now.

We set the date earlier this week, I thought it was going to be easy for me to wake up the next day and jump on my elliptical and or eat healthier but it wasn't! I have failed every single day. I begin binge eating usually in the evenings and I haven't been using my elliptical.

This is where I am stuck, just at the motivation proccess getting my a** off the couch. I know it starts with me, I wish I didn't la I'm e motivation because I feel as though I can do it but everyday it turns into tomorrow. I'm embarrassed to even see old friends, I avoid social gatherings just because if my weight. I also have a 2 year old who is very important to me and I know I need to be a better role model.

I hope this site becomes a useful tool for me and I meet some great encouraging like minded people! Would love to chat with anyone and everyone who shares in this same battle and how you overcame it. And just anyone who wants to be an encouraging friend!

Thank you!!!


  • songo_chan
    songo_chan Posts: 4
    Hi, I have alot of the same problems as you do, maybe we can motivate each other. Add me if you would like :) I would also like to look better for my wedding, but with 2 young children it is hard to get off the couch and go for a walk sometimes. Good luck to you :)