Gym Shym

So I have had a love hate relationship with my gym memberships. I used to belong to LA Fitness but I am not making the money I used to so I am back to Planet Fitness.

Anyone gym regulars? I want to optimize my gym experience and need some help because I get so intimidated easy. Like I go to the elliptical or the treadmill, work up a 30min sweat and leave. I feel like I can take my dog on a long walk and get the same experience - who does what at the gym?!


  • Jme2012
    Jme2012 Posts: 106 Member
    feel the same way... but aiming to start weight training soon!
  • Anomalia
    Anomalia Posts: 506 Member
    Up your intensity!

    I run outside. I'll go run on the indoor track at the gym if my knees are hurting. I also do body rock tv at home. Its lovely :)
  • sameervasta
    sameervasta Posts: 25
    I've been a gym member for ages, and while I went regularly, I didn't enjoy it and don't think I got much value out of it. It wasn't until I got a personal trainer at the gym that I was more motivated and saw significant results. They may be pricey, but a good PT will understand your goals and your lifestyle and your body and make sure the workouts are specifically tailored for your success.
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    Walk right over to those weights and get TO IT! Don't let them intimidate you.

    If the men over there is what is really intimidating you, then walk up to one and say 'hi, I'd love to start lifting, any tips or moves you can show me?'

    ^ makes them feel helpful - makes them feel like they get a chance to show off (both physically and mentally) - AND helps you

    if there is a trainer or employee there, you can ask THEM to show you, too.

    start looking up moves you'd like to try, deadlifts, squats, bench press, overhead press - find anything that looks crazy and just start it up! :)
  • aproc
    aproc Posts: 1,033 Member
    Get in the weight section! I work a different muscle group everyday and cardio 2 to 3 times a week. You'll feel like your getting more out of that membership at least. ;P
  • verbalriot
    verbalriot Posts: 90
    I like the gym for group fitness classes but that's about it!
  • jjnt007
    jjnt007 Posts: 302 Member
    If you are trying to save money you should do Jillian Michaels 30 day shred. I am still on level 1 because it is hard. Some of my friends rent dvd's from the local library. I am a member of a gym and I walk on the treadmill, excercise bike, walk the indoor track, rowing machine and I just recently started using the weight machines. I asked an employee how to use one and than a young college student showed me how to use another one. I think that you can excercise without a gym membership.
  • jamfan
    jamfan Posts: 124 Member
    I lift things up and put them down.
  • chicfreak9
    chicfreak9 Posts: 78 Member
    Planet Fitness has "gym classes" The personal trainer helps a group work specific areas abs, arms and legs. I too have a membership to PF however I found lifting weights and using the various cardio machines was boring. I mixed it up with going to Zumba at the local church ($6.00 and I can bring my kids) and if you can see if there are any FREE trial class at any local gyms.