

  • bfairlamb
    bfairlamb Posts: 31
    Yeah I hold my bad decisions accountable to him.
    And I just made held us both accountable for this.
    Him with the one he's currently shoving in his face as well. With chips.
    I told him what we were doing and he said he didn't feel bad.
    I told him just because he goes to the gym and works out doesn't mean he can eat whatever he wants and still lose weight.
  • Epetrovitch
    Epetrovitch Posts: 67 Member
    Don't strive for perfection. We are human. Learn from it and remeber to focus on the long term goal. Little setbacks average out over the long haul. Don't beat yourself up over it. Learn, modify the behavior, and move forward.
  • gpstrucker
    gpstrucker Posts: 930 Member
    Nah, don't feel guilty. I had a Pizza Hut Meat Lovers Personal Pan Pizza for lunch today. I just finished all of the extra walking I had to do to get my calories back under my goal LOL

    But hey, nothing wrong with some extra exercise is there?
  • cessnaholly
    cessnaholly Posts: 780 Member
    You recognie it and you feel sick. That makes 2 NSVs right there. Good for you. Tomorrow is another day. Just move on. You are doing great.
  • bfairlamb
    bfairlamb Posts: 31
    well.... i just ate two ice cream sandwiches instead of one i planned to... now i dont have calories left for dinner... i felt so angry and upset with myself that i almost went on a bige like "oh what the hell may as well be bad all the way"... luckily i stopped myself.... i realize that im here to change my habits and bad habits are hard to break so i will not scolde myself over it but try to learn and remember how i felt next time... i will still have dinner if im hungry even if i have to go over my calories.... i wanna make long-term changes so i will try to have a perspective and not let one short term fail be detrimental to my long-term goals.... good luck there

    I get that way only because of my hypothyroidism and I just addressed the issue. So now my metabolism is working again, and my body's burning instead of storing. The offset to that is that I want to eat EVERYTHING. I guess it'll be like that for a couple weeks....
    I'm usually pretty good about controlling myself, thinking about the ultimate goal and all that jazz. But I was just not in the mood for anything today... Oh well. Like u guys said. Tomorrow is a new day to make good decisions that dont involve feeling sick and stomach cramps and the like. Thanks for your support!
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    I hear ya. I am so shocked when I try to eat like I used to. I can't believe I used to eat like that every
  • LiddyBit
    LiddyBit Posts: 447 Member
    well.... i just ate two ice cream sandwiches instead of one i planned to... now i dont have calories left for dinner... i felt so angry and upset with myself that i almost went on a bige like "oh what the hell may as well be bad all the way"... luckily i stopped myself.... i realize that im here to change my habits and bad habits are hard to break so i will not scolde myself over it but try to learn and remember how i felt next time... i will still have dinner if im hungry even if i have to go over my calories.... i wanna make long-term changes so i will try to have a perspective and not let one short term fail be detrimental to my long-term goals.... good luck there

    Very wise words!

    I was just watching some of the previous year's elite woman's gymnastics international meets on You Tube (getting pumped for the Olympics!) and you'd have thought someone greased the beam and the bars, every girl was making mistakes. The ones who succeeded in the end were NOT the ones who just threw in the towel and let it ruin the rest of their routines or other events. The ones who succeeded were the ones who just kept going, eyes on the prize after a temporary set-back, doing what they could to make up for it and sticking to what they know will get them good results.

    Sometimes life is not all or nothing. Which is a lesson I often have a hard time remembering myself.

    Totally planning on an ice cream sandwich for dessert tonight and will go way over my macros but, in another vein of thought, sometimes you just have to let go for a moment.
  • ShanR77
    ShanR77 Posts: 287 Member
    I understand the feeling sick. I've felt like that after having foods i haven't had in a long time. I bet you'll remember this feeling next time you look at a sub and won't try eating it whole again. :wink:
  • thriftycupl
    thriftycupl Posts: 310 Member
    Just remember it's a journey and that one day or one meal is just that. We all need to cheat a little now and then -- just remember the big picture and look at the week versus the day.
  • bfairlamb
    bfairlamb Posts: 31
    lol ikr I just told him "i'll never eat another sub again". Those exact words came out of my mouth.
  • glennstoudt
    glennstoudt Posts: 403 Member
    yup. I did it. I just ate that sub. I feel guilty. and sick.
    Your stomach really does shrink, I remember when i could have KILLED that sub.
    Now I feel sick as a dog. And guilty. And I know I'm going to pay for it tomorrow.

    The solution is in the last word.
    Don't worry about it.
  • riskiestlavonn
    riskiestlavonn Posts: 207 Member
    Try not to feel so bad. I am trying to view this as a lifestyle change (yes, I know that everyone says that... sorry). I only say this to say that sometimes people eat too much/ mess up. I plan not to beat myself up for the rest of my life whenever I do something silly like... eat an entire ham (that hopefully will never happen) so I try to view my weightloss journey the same way. I would just try to learn from this and try harder tomorrow. I know that after a few incidents like the one you had I just finally realized that 1) I cannot eat as much food as I used to and 2) when I do eat a lot of food it's not enjoyable anymore.

    - Misha
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    Forget the guilt and learn the lesson. We've all been there.
  • grayprae
    grayprae Posts: 109 Member
    It is just a little side step just get up in the morning and get back on track
  • Micahroni84
    Micahroni84 Posts: 452 Member
    Don't feel guilty. We all have moments of weekness. Most important thing to do is to learn from this. Log it, acknowledge it and move on and most importantly remember how crappy it makes u feel then the next time temptation arises u can remember how it made u feel after eating it. Tomorrow is a new day to eat better :)

    This exactly!
  • GasMasterFlash
    GasMasterFlash Posts: 2,206 Member
    That should take care of it.
  • bfairlamb
    bfairlamb Posts: 31
  • msliu7911
    msliu7911 Posts: 639 Member
    Nah, don't feel guilty. I had a Pizza Hut Meat Lovers Personal Pan Pizza for lunch today. I just finished all of the extra walking I had to do to get my calories back under my goal LOL

    But hey, nothing wrong with some extra exercise is there?

    That sounds amaaaaaazing!

    And I agree.Nothing wrong with some extra exercise once you're feeling up for it. :) I know after I overeat the last thing I want to do is jump up and run a couple miles! OR DO CRUNCHES! lol
  • bfairlamb
    bfairlamb Posts: 31
    I'm sorry cuz it seems I've begun a bad influence thread.
  • gpstrucker
    gpstrucker Posts: 930 Member
    Nah, don't feel guilty. I had a Pizza Hut Meat Lovers Personal Pan Pizza for lunch today. I just finished all of the extra walking I had to do to get my calories back under my goal LOL

    But hey, nothing wrong with some extra exercise is there?

    That sounds amaaaaaazing!

    And I agree.Nothing wrong with some extra exercise once you're feeling up for it. :) I know after I overeat the last thing I want to do is jump up and run a couple miles! OR DO CRUNCHES! lol

    Oh, I drove a few hours before doing the walking thing. Got a lot of funny looks from the other drivers as I was making laps around the truck stop parking lot.