Loss of muscle



  • PercivalHackworth
    PercivalHackworth Posts: 1,437 Member
    higher proteins for preventing breakdown AND have your carbs for avoiding muscle mass loss for energy.
  • JonathonMars
    JonathonMars Posts: 358 Member
    I'm now eating 138 g of protein and like...300 g of carbs, which sounds crazy to me, but oh well!
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    When you are doing your cardio to lose weight stay within your fat burning heart rate. If you train at a higher rate you will be burning your muscle.

    I know, right?

    Low intensity fat burning zone is a myth. Ignore that nonsense.

    Source? I call ignorance or troll on your part. You are not being helpful at all.

    My apologies, you are correct. During the actual cardio session you may not be burning the best "fuel" as you so aptly put it, but in the long run it makes little difference.

    See: http://www.alanaragon.com/myths-under-the-microscope-the-fat-burning-zone-fasted-cardio.html

    P.S. Sorry for appearing troll-like, that was not my intention.

    Thank you for clarifying. Your link provides information that is very helpful. I am not convinced either way, though training at low intensities as part of increasing aerobic base seems beneficial either way, so I'm not sure the zones should simply be ignored.

    Edit: Yes, sorry for calling it out like that; I understand your position now. Your reply was just so curt that it was difficult to tell where it was coming from.

    There is additional info on this on Lyle McDonalds website. There is really no benefit to zone training. At lower intensity you are using mostly fat for fuel but you get no EPOC (Excess Post-exercise Oxygen Consumption). When you train in a higher HR zone, you use a mix of glycogen and fat for fuel and you also get the benefit of EPOC for some period of time depending on intensity. Higher intensity, longer period of benefit. I read a comparisons there of low intensity steady state for something like an hour equaled the burn of a lesser time at higher intensity (zone) when EPOC is factored. Low intensity steady state requires more time for the same calorie burn. I think it's an effective tool as a rest day way to get some fat burning but, for me, time is tight so I'll take the higher intensity most of the time.
    To the OP, start lifting! Like yesterday. A couple of good beginer programs are Stronglifts 5x5 and Starting Strength. SL 5x5 has a lsick and easy to use iphone app.

    Edit to add: You don't burn muscle at higher heart rate zones unless your workout exausts your glycogen stores. This happens at about the 90 minute point give or take depending on the individual. This can also be minimized with proper fueling and mixing in heavy lifting.
  • delikium
    delikium Posts: 196 Member
    maybe just go swimming 3x a week...
  • ultimatemike
    So, I am trying to eat a lot of calories (or more than a lot of people seem to around here) so I don't lose muscle mass. I have no muscle mass to begin with, so I really can't afford to lose any, and I don't want to lose weight too quickly in an unhealthy manner. I do not currently work out, because I'm not really on a short time table to lose weight. I want to lose twenty pounds in 16 weeks. My protein goal is set at 83g, and I eat over that everyday. Does this sound insane?

    If you don't want to lose muscle mass you'll need at least 1g protein/lb of body weight and you'll have to lift weights. If you lose weight just by restricting calories you might be thinner but your body quite likely will look like a saggy bag of crap.

    Also 20lbs in 16 weeks isn't slow, especially if you're not severely overweight.
  • BootCampC
    BootCampC Posts: 689 Member
    you need to pick things up and put them down!
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    you need to pick things up and put them down!

    :laugh: :laugh:
  • UrbanRunner81
    UrbanRunner81 Posts: 1,207 Member
    weight lifting really doesn't take much time. It takes me 30 minutes & 4 days a week. It really isn't too much time.
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    There is also a period of time (different amount for everyone) for first time lifters where you gain muscle very quickly. If you find a good lifting program and hit it hard right from the beginning you can maximize this one time opportunity. I wish I could go back and do things differently than I did.

    Other than this I agree with most of the others.

    Eat enough protein.
    Start lifting heavy (find a proven program dont make one up on your own) 5x5 will work great but its not the only one out there.
    Keep cardio on off days and keep it moderate in length but intense.
    Keep Cardio and Weightlifting sessions around an hour.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    There is also a period of time (different amount for everyone) for first time lifters where you gain muscle very quickly. If you find a good lifting program and hit it hard right from the beginning you can maximize this one time opportunity. I wish I could go back and do things differently than I did.

    Other than this I agree with most of the others.

    Eat enough protein.
    Start lifting heavy (find a proven program dont make one up on your own) 5x5 will work great but its not the only one out there.
    Keep cardio on off days and keep it moderate in length but intense.
    Keep Cardio and Weightlifting sessions around an hour.

    Pretty much sums it up.
  • amber_here
    amber_here Posts: 1
    Hey guys, my name is Amber. Some o fyu will have seen the thread I posted earlier which got deleted. I just want o let you guys in on a bit of information. I am a loyal and faithful christian to the Lord, and Jesus christ and also an animal lover. This is why I am a vegetabletarian. There is a girl on this site who goes by the name Sophiebee92. Please do not be friends with her. She is a prostitute. Last year my bf made 1 million dollars reviewing and directing pornos. And he says he has seen her in one. Also I am on this site to be honest and respectful so it makes me mad when people lie about their bodies. This girl 100% has fake boobs, I can tell. Plus my dad is one of the top 3 plastic surgeons in the country and he told me. She is also on steriods, that is how she has muscles. I respectfully warn all of you that she has sold these to, please don't take them. Having muscle kills girls.

    Plus what cheerleader and blonde girl like her have you ever seen who is not a complete *****. It is obvious that the only reason she is on this site is to sell her body. Now that is not ok with me. If you want a friend like her just go to the grocery store and by yourself a Barbie doll, its the same thing!!

    Also I want to warn you about some of her other friends too. One of them personally told me in a pm that her family are thieves. Another one called me a ***** and two of them were in pornons with her. Some o fthe most insulting comments were from cannonsky, delco, glamour60xtreme, becca_daniel, grapenutsf to name a few! All because I tried to give a little constructive criticism

    Also I urge you guys to please help me get her banned. Thank you and I hope you have a pleasant evening!!