Warrior Dash -- First Race EVER!


I'm looking for a bit of advice ... I am not a runner. I'd LOVE to be, but I just can't seem to succeed at it. Typically, I hate running unless I'm being chased. That being said, I'm doing the Warrior Dash in a few days ... Why you ask? Cuz I'm nuts.

My question ... what are good things to eat before a race? Something that won't make me hate my life and that will fuel me to get through the race so I can curl up in the fetal position and cry at the end? I'll probabaly stick with my Body by Vi for breakfast. So ... lunch or snack ideas?

I'm running the dash with an army major (who's pretty much Captain freakin America) and a navy commander from work -- my goal is to look like as little of a tool shed in front of them as possible. So all the good advice I can get is greatly appreciated :)