Water retention from exercise? (Trainers?)



  • harisri1
    harisri1 Posts: 1
    I have a 20 LB gain over the past year focusing on just the strength training...my waistline is still the same, but I can sure tell that my biceps have gone bigga lol
  • candistyx
    candistyx Posts: 547 Member
    Just wanted to add: Monitor your sodium intake as well (you can set it to be one of the nutrients displyed on your home screen).

    Many of us take in way too much sodium - especially when trying to count calories, because it can be tempting to stick with packaged meals (which are way high in sodium) in order to get a more accurate calorie count.

    Excess sodium will cause you to retain water and "gain weight" - at least on the scale.

    Monitor your sodium intake and try to keep it below 2500 per day (not as easy as it sounds).

    If you start watching it, you may be surprised how much sodium you are taking in, and how much water weight you'll lose if you reduce your sodium intake for a few days.
    surely if I don't care about water weight only fat weight eating the same amount of sodium is the best way to get an accurate view of my fat loss?

    I don't eat ready meals but I sprinkle salt on everything.
  • Blondie1913
  • DjinnMarie
    DjinnMarie Posts: 1,297 Member
    I always weigh myself after a rest day. It's not uncommon for me to gain 3-4 pounds during my workout days due to water retention and inflammation.
  • rhonamac1973
    Agree. On long run days (2 hours), I can gain 4 lbs...but it's gone within 2 days.