Getting back to it

What's up all. I am 30 years old and a former 3 sport athlete that stayed active until about 3 years ago. Since then I have taken a desk job, gotten married, and moved to a new town. I am ready to get back into shape and want to lose about 30 pounds. Any suggestions and tips are greatly appreciated.


  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    The best way to get started is to.. get started. :)

    Go through the setup process, set a weekly goal (at 30 pounds, which is where I started, 2 pounds a week is about the best realistic expectation to set), start logging your food, and get back on the exercise wagon.

    My preference, though I'm sure you'll hear alternate views and you have to decide what works for you, is to follow the site's advice closely and eat back any calories I've "earned" during exercise. I find that it helps me maintain better food decisions when I'm not hungry all the time, and I'm losing weight at approximately my chosen pace. I'd rather take a little longer doing this and learn better eating habits that will help me maintain my weight when I'm done.
  • lsang
    lsang Posts: 22
    Do it NOW!!! Don't wait!!! I was in a similar situation... I was a three sport athlete, player soccer in college, then got married and began a family. Once my kids were in school, I returned to work full time and the weight began to add on. I am now 43, my kids are grown and I am finally getting my health (weight loss and exercise) under control. I feel great, but I don't know why I waited so long. If you put it off, it will only be more difficult.
    Set your goals, plan out your exercise and diet regime and begin. This site is a great tool! Good luck