Lifestyle Change

I am 27 years old and tired just about every diet that you could possibly name. And you know what none of them have never worked. No pill, no miracle drink works. I do not care what the ad tells you. There is only one healthy and sure way to lose weight and that is by making a lifestyle change. Eat better food for you, exercise and you will lose those unwanted pounds. I have learned this for myself 22 days ago I made this change, I begin to eat better foods, work out a few times a week and the weight has been coming off. I am feeling better and seeing a difference in how my clothes are fitting. The other thing you should do that has worked for me is not deny myself anything. If I want something I eat, just smaller portions. Like for example the other day I had a small ice cream cone from DQ. I have found in the past if I deny myself what I want then I will eventually fail because I will revert to my old ways and eat junk all the time. This is just somethings I have learned that work for me and thought I would share them with you and maybe they will work for you! Good luck to you all. :-)


  • lrleb
    lrleb Posts: 1 Member
    Keep up the great work, Krista.... It looks like your mind is in the right place!