Weight Training Question

So I have now pretty much hit my goal for weight loss, but now I have been hitting the weights to gain some muscle mass. My normal weekly routine consists of;

Mon/Wed/Fri - Weight Traning, Light Cardio
Tues - Cardio
Sat or Sun - Cardio (Run)

I eat extra protein, less carbs, less fat
I have 6 meals per day (Every 3 hours)
Haven't smoked in 6 years
Only drink water (with Mi0) and Green tea. No Cola, Coffee, Juices, Alcohol
1 Unhealthy snack (usually portion controlled chips or frozen yogurt (again portion controlled)

Now for my question..lol. I in no way want to put back on the weight, but I do want to gain muscle mass through my weight training. Should I continue with same nutrition? and also would I be safe to change my calculater from lose 2lbs per week to maintain current weight.

Ay feedback would be great