Intermittent fasting?

Has anyone ever tried intermittent fasting? Did you benefit from it?

I have read up on it and so far I see only benefits (not including the being hungry part) and I'm thinking of maybe trying it for one day a week for a couple of months. Would really like to know what others think. x


  • dawnkay1
    dawnkay1 Posts: 41
    I am on a 24 hour fast today!

    I just wanted to prove to myself that I am in control of my food, so I've done it for purely emotional reasons.

    The past few weeks I have felt completely out of control and have been comfort bingeing. Tonight I feel alive and like I can conquor anything!
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    I believe in intermittent fasting. I just call it sleep though.

  • borys12
    borys12 Posts: 98
    I am on kind of 2 - 3 hours eating window. Usually eat from 6pm to 8 - 9 pm. Paleo eating helps - no craving at all. Could easy go for longer fast.

    Benefits : less time in the kitchen, and .... less money spent !
  • livi_cowgirl
    livi_cowgirl Posts: 198 Member
    Thanks for your replies. I was kinda hoping for a medical professionals advice on this because as I say, I have read only good things about it. I want to know if there are any long term issues with it.
  • olivia_june
    olivia_june Posts: 111 Member
    Why would you want to, though?

    If you are fasting, it tells your body to hold onto your fat because it doesn't know when the next meal is coming. Then you eat again and your body is like "HOLY ****, FOOD!" and then it holds onto if you're working out, your body needs FUEL.

    I just don't get the idea behind it. Doesn't make any sense to me.
  • clobercow
    clobercow Posts: 337 Member
    Why would you want to, though?

    If you are fasting, it tells your body to hold onto your fat because it doesn't know when the next meal is coming. Then you eat again and your body is like "HOLY ****, FOOD!" and then it holds onto if you're working out, your body needs FUEL.

    I just don't get the idea behind it. Doesn't make any sense to me.

    WRONG. This is completely false.

    Fasting is a normal behavior of the human body.When in a fasted state, the body consumes fat. There are other health benefits.

    Google Eat Stop Eat and Lean Gains.

    Also there are whole communities that have wildly good success at cutting fat and building muscle with intermittent fasting.
  • jfan175
    jfan175 Posts: 812 Member
    Patiently waiting for the "you have to eat as soon as you wake up to kickstart your metabolism", and "fasting puts you into starvation mode" posts.
  • 01divey
    01divey Posts: 50 Member
    Intermitent Fasting would not force your boy into starvation mode, it would take a drastically reduced calorie diet (under maintanance) for more than say 8 hours of "Not Eating"..
    Im approximating more like 5-7 days perhaps?
    its simply a great way to still get the calories you need, but you feel more satisfied as you can have larger, more full-filling meals rather than 5-6 small unsatisfying meals. Thats why some people give up when losing weight, as they feel they are forced to eat small meals of around 250-300 calories.
    Intermitent fasting is just a way to control your calorie intake it a different manner. I personally like it, but am currently not following it.
    Its about being in control on a way that suits you.
    Good luck!
  • Brechin89
    Brechin89 Posts: 92
    Intermitent Fasting would not force your boy into starvation mode, it would take a drastically reduced calorie diet (under maintanance) for more than say 8 hours of "Not Eating"..
    Im approximating more like 5-7 days perhaps?
    its simply a great way to still get the calories you need, but you feel more satisfied as you can have larger, more full-filling meals rather than 5-6 small unsatisfying meals. Thats why some people give up when losing weight, as they feel they are forced to eat small meals of around 250-300 calories.
    Intermitent fasting is just a way to control your calorie intake it a different manner. I personally like it, but am currently not following it.
    Its about being in control on a way that suits you.
    Good luck!

    again with this myth of starvation mode... Go see a real doctor please. Nutrionists and Trainers do not have degree's on the human body... So do not listen to their filth
  • scottywor
    scottywor Posts: 140 Member
    Why would you want to, though?

    If you are fasting, it tells your body to hold onto your fat because it doesn't know when the next meal is coming. Then you eat again and your body is like "HOLY ****, FOOD!" and then it holds onto if you're working out, your body needs FUEL.

    I just don't get the idea behind it. Doesn't make any sense to me.

    WRONG. This is completely false.

    Fasting is a normal behavior of the human body.When in a fasted state, the body consumes fat. There are other health benefits.

    Google Eat Stop Eat and Lean Gains.

    Also there are whole communities that have wildly good success at cutting fat and building muscle with intermittent fasting.

    Couldn't agree more clobercow!
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,238 Member
    Intermitent Fasting would not force your boy into starvation mode, it would take a drastically reduced calorie diet (under maintanance) for more than say 8 hours of "Not Eating"..
    Im approximating more like 5-7 days perhaps?
    its simply a great way to still get the calories you need, but you feel more satisfied as you can have larger, more full-filling meals rather than 5-6 small unsatisfying meals. Thats why some people give up when losing weight, as they feel they are forced to eat small meals of around 250-300 calories.
    Intermitent fasting is just a way to control your calorie intake it a different manner. I personally like it, but am currently not following it.
    Its about being in control on a way that suits you.
    Good luck!

    again with this myth of starvation mode... Go see a real doctor please. Nutrionists and Trainers do not have degree's on the human body... So do not listen to their filth

    This poster basically said starvation mode is a myth, and you seem to be saying the same thing. BTW, Doctors, at least the vast majority of them have virtually no nutritional training. They have one optional half course they are required to take. That is it. They are probably the worst place to go for nutritional/diet information.
  • Pezii
    Pezii Posts: 6 Member
    I believe that you should just east healthy,it's easier to keep long term.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,238 Member
    To the original poster, check out the Intermittent Fasting group here
  • 01divey
    01divey Posts: 50 Member
    @ Brechin89

    I was not saying i believe in "starvation mode" specifically. I was, in a round about way, saying that after a prolonged amount of time your body will start to break down/catabolize muscle tissue, metabolism will slow down etc
    ***Your body will not be burning fat/repairing broken tissue as efficiently***
    Are you saying that your body WILL carry on running at an efficient rate even when subjected to a prolonged period of being mal-nourished? Its a survival instinct, a protection mechanism.
    Dont be naive.
    Not to be condescening, but i think you may have taken my post a tad too literal.
  • noteve
    noteve Posts: 57
    I have never lost weight as permanently as when I attempted the "eat stop eat" diet. I could exercise and build muscle while I did it, too!
  • clobercow
    clobercow Posts: 337 Member
    I love going 12-16 hours with out eating. Then I eat a satisfying meal and I'm satiated all night and most of the next day. I exercise while on a fast and I'm sure dropping the fat. My cravings are down. My blood-pressure is WAY down. I feel great! Even when I exercise on the fast, I feel great! Heavy lifting can tire me a tab bit faster. That sure doesn't sound like starvation mode to me!

    The human body is designed to function on its energy reserves (fat) when in a fasted state. Its natural and normal!

    However, that is general. Some people may have heath issues or are abnormal. To each his own.
  • livi_cowgirl
    livi_cowgirl Posts: 198 Member
    To the original poster, check out the Intermittent Fasting group here

    Thank you for this. And thank you to everyone who has replied. x
  • devilsangel2
    devilsangel2 Posts: 123 Member
    I've been doing leangains for nearly week now and absolutely love it. I'm not a morning eater, so feeling pressured to eat breakfast was not doing me any favours and I also like to eat a nice big meal not lots of little ones. Now i eat at times that suit me better (1pm-9pm) and I get big, satisfying meals while still staying within my calorie/macro goals. Too early to give any stats, but I feel good and that's a biggie for me :happy:
  • creature275
    creature275 Posts: 348 Member
    for the love of god...just because something makes you lose weight DOES NOT MEAN ITS GOOD FOR YOU, no athlete would ever just deprive themselves of food altogether, if us athletes dont do it then obviously there are better ways of doing things
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    Has anyone ever tried intermittent fasting? Did you benefit from it?

    I have read up on it and so far I see only benefits (not including the being hungry part) and I'm thinking of maybe trying it for one day a week for a couple of months. Would really like to know what others think. x

    Hello! I do Eat Stop Eat - 2 x 24 hour fasts per week. Basically works out to me skipping breakfast and lunch twice a week.. no biggie! It has been the easiest way to create a deficit, plus there's a whole bunch of health benefits and fat burning benefits I get from it. So yeah, go Eat Stop Eat!
    I hear lean Gains and Fast 5 are pretty cool too :)