How is my plan?

our back story:
I use to wrestle and box. weight loss back then was easy, I didn't eat for a week, I didn't drink for 36 hours and I'd make my weight (135lb for wrestling 170 for boxing luckily the two seasons never overlapped) After I was done with the sport (partially because of the early stages of organ failure due to the diets, partially from destroying my knees, shoulders, wrists, and right hip). Once I was finished, my weight settled in at 215. I currently weigh 220, but want to get to 185 (I would be 8% body fat at that point) or ideally 170

My wife was a band geek, she never worked out aside from the occasional aerobics class. She never looked like she had 100lbs to lose, but she has set that as her long term goal and I want to help her reach it.

We both work desk jobs so our daily activity levels are very low and while we own our house we don't have any lawn work or landscaping to do (the HOA takes care of all of that), so the only activity we get is in our exercise routine.

The plan;
My wife and I are almost at the end of P90x Week one. I'm finding it a bit challenging, but nothing overly difficult. She is having more trouble with it but is pushing through each workout. I have us on the same diet, around 1700 cal per day with the daily workout (45% protein, 45% Carbs, 10%fat). that is including 2 scoops of Muscle milk for each of us an hour before the workout and because I am an avid hunter, our diets consist of a lot wild game, mostly venison. At the end of this, her goal is to use jogging as her primary workout, I will go with a round 2 of P90x.

If anyone has any input or suggestions, any help is appreciated.