no spine

Well, you have all heard me gripe about not having the spine to stand up for yourselves, or take your own decisions into your own hands and all the other idea, but sure enough I fell right into that same old crap. sunday we went cruising through neighborhoods, our lease is up and we want to move. after a very frustrating morning we decided we wanted lunch and I started naming some local restaurants that I knew I could eat healthy, all to be passed by. now, by this time its obvious the DH is tired, and just wants to eat, but can't make up his mind and none of the ones I suggested are working for him. so, an hour after we decided we were hungry he pulls into a hotdog place. a hotdog place of all things. did I get loud and ask him what on earth he thought he was doing? no, I knew he was as tired as I was. did I forego any lunch. heck no, I sat my fat rump on a chair and ordered a polish sausage, deepfried in a taco shell.!!!:explode: now, I passed on all the mayo based "salads, and I picked the shell off the sausage, and only ate the 5 dollar dog, but I was so angry. I didn't stand up for myself, I caved and let him pull into a place he KNEW I couldn't find something healthy to eat. I am still so angry I could spit. I went home all gripey, got on the bike for 45 mins at the fastest speed I could go, did 20 mins of cardio dance, and then walked the treadmill for another 15. and of course all the time I just glared at him. :angry: but my anger was misdirected. I was really angry at myself. I still am. what a whimp. No matter how tired he was, or how frustrated we were, there had to be a better choice. But I can guarantee you one thing. that won't EVER happen again.


  • flachix
    flachix Posts: 256 Member
    Well, you have all heard me gripe about not having the spine to stand up for yourselves, or take your own decisions into your own hands and all the other idea, but sure enough I fell right into that same old crap. sunday we went cruising through neighborhoods, our lease is up and we want to move. after a very frustrating morning we decided we wanted lunch and I started naming some local restaurants that I knew I could eat healthy, all to be passed by. now, by this time its obvious the DH is tired, and just wants to eat, but can't make up his mind and none of the ones I suggested are working for him. so, an hour after we decided we were hungry he pulls into a hotdog place. a hotdog place of all things. did I get loud and ask him what on earth he thought he was doing? no, I knew he was as tired as I was. did I forego any lunch. heck no, I sat my fat rump on a chair and ordered a polish sausage, deepfried in a taco shell.!!!:explode: now, I passed on all the mayo based "salads, and I picked the shell off the sausage, and only ate the 5 dollar dog, but I was so angry. I didn't stand up for myself, I caved and let him pull into a place he KNEW I couldn't find something healthy to eat. I am still so angry I could spit. I went home all gripey, got on the bike for 45 mins at the fastest speed I could go, did 20 mins of cardio dance, and then walked the treadmill for another 15. and of course all the time I just glared at him. :angry: but my anger was misdirected. I was really angry at myself. I still am. what a whimp. No matter how tired he was, or how frustrated we were, there had to be a better choice. But I can guarantee you one thing. that won't EVER happen again.
  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
    hey there! sending a hug your way!

    I feel you...I too keep it all inside....please everyone before myself, and if I ever do do stuff for me, I get this wave of guilt and try to validate why I am doing this thing for myself....that is half of the reason I stopped exercising btw....I felt guilty of being a new mom (that was 7 yrs ago btw) guilty of being out of the house to go for a run (even though I work, and basically run the household) just guilty and I think it sucks!

    So good for you telling yourself next time NO WAY....and you're right its not your hubby's fault...other's seem to do as they like pretty easily because we don't speak up as much perhaps least that's my bag!

    I wish you luck girl and I think you whipped that 5 dollar sausage right out of there w/ all the workout and hope it helped your mood too!!!

    another hug if you want it!
    Ali :flowerforyou:
  • MontanaGirl
    MontanaGirl Posts: 1,251 Member
    You go girl!!! You did the best you could with a difficult situation and burned that dog right off. I understand though - sometimes it's hard to stand up and make ourselves heard. My main problem with dh is he won't make a decision. Then I get mad and just do something - usually not healthy. :noway: UGH!! But, we have a financial bind seriously right now so I guess I'll be eating healthy whether I want to or not because we can't afford to go out :tongue: Give yourself a little grace and sounds like you learned from the experience :flowerforyou: Take care of yourself - Kim
  • rem1979
    rem1979 Posts: 344 Member
    Just speak up louder next time. I think my husband is starting to realize I am sticking to this but when I first began, he would say things like "Why do I have to suffer and eat this?". It made me mad but honestly, we do eat the same things, I just have smaller portions and when we go out to eat, it's usually my decision anyways, he'll eat anywhere!!!

    This happened a while back though and he wanted Nancy's Pizza (in Chicago) and so I checked out the menu online and the only thing that was half decent was their beef sandwich so I got that and ate half the bun and all the meat. You just need to find something on the menu that is better than something else, even if it's all bad.
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    I have a husband and kids that have those wonderful miracle metabolisms and my husband can eat a horse and not gain anything. Every year people tell him to watch out and every year I pray (selfishly) that he gain a pound and nothing.

    I finally had to tell him that when we go out to eat I really need his support, that when I start naming restaurants its because I know I can get something healthy and he and the kids can eat healthy but fun too. He actually apologized for not thinking about it and now he has started suggesting healthier options, even when I really want something bad!

    IT isn't easy but you just need to find a way to tell the signigicant others in your life why you want to eat better. You will feel better.

    Good luck, don't kick yourself too hard, you did get home and exercise :flowerforyou: