Can you relate to this?

When I began this journey of EXERCISE I started with Zumba, and the weight came off, and I loved it. I loved Zumba and the intensity etc. know that "skinny feeling" wake up and you feel "sunken in", your clothes feel good, you stand tall! Well, that was daily ( monthly issues), then I added body pump and liked it...stayed consistent for about three months and was pleased. THEN,
INJURY....SURGERY...and poof, 6 months I am soft...started to workout again, and DID not commit..NOW

I have began a new journey. It has been 30 some days, I have alternated strength with jogging and speed walking. Inches are coming off, and I continually add new moves, but keep all workouts at 30 min due to crazy life...NOT AN schedule is off the chain.

The difference, and I am asking why...? I feel swollen, not SODIUM swollen, muscle achey swollen. ODD..its like I feel thick. Is this lactic acid? Is it due to me changing workouts so often? I do the 30 day shred, or kettle bells, or some other contortionist moves? Its difficult to explain, but if you can relate I would love to know is this my body changing? I feel tighter, but mind you I still have weight to loose. I still wake up to the DOMS, and usually I have this about 30 hours post workout. I want that less than feeling...can you relate?

DISCLAIMER..Do not have Lymes, Arthritis, or any blood disorder.


  • Sumo813
    Sumo813 Posts: 566 Member
    Well, I can't speak to the lady problems, but with the swollen, inflamed part... I know that all too well with the herniated discs and pulled muscles I'm dealing with while also continuing my fight training. One of the things I now swear by is an anti-inflammatory supplement from New Chapter Organics. It's called Zyflamend.

    I use the original (large capsule - better bang for the buck). But now they have targeted versions for specific areas of health. They are pricey (about $90 for 180 capsules at Vitamin Discount Center), but I will gladly pay the price since they really do seem to help.

    There may be other brands that are just as good and cheaper, but I don't know. But certainly worth looking into giving it a try.


    Also, since you do some nice lifting and kettlebell work, look into getting some good BCAA's as well. That will help with recovery. I personally use Optimum Nutrition's brand. But BCAAs are something you can find plenty of variety with.