sooo frustrated

GlamNGlitter Posts: 77
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
i've been really applying myself and working hard at loosing weight
it just irritates me to no end that my husband (who is like a bean pole) can eat whatever he wants, when he wants and however much he wants and NEVERRRR gains ANY weight. :explode:

what I'm really frustrated with is that he (un-knowingly) eats my fav foods (like oreos and cheesecake...etc..) that I had to cut out right in front of me. and its sooooooo hard not to want to just eat it!!! I said something to him about it today and he said he'd stop.
but I don't see how he can just stop eating in front of me...i mean we live together lol durr

what do i do lol he makes me have these cravings and i dont want to gain anything that i've lost.


  • Shanta1983
    Shanta1983 Posts: 1,228 Member
    :smile: Its called WILL POWER it takes time to endure , My family eat things and my co workers eat things around me I politely say no thank you and walk away with a smile on my face. I ask myself do I want this________________ more than I want to loose weight I dont think so and walk away. so what if people around you eat junk, you trying to accomplish something ya know. Rememeber its a lifestyle change not a diet
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    That's such a tough situation, I don't know what I'd do if someone I lived with was eating all of my old faves. I'd try to be strong, but I don't know...You could always try to convince yourself that you're getting healthy and he's eating junk. :smile:
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    you need new favorite foods
  • schlieffen
    schlieffen Posts: 269
    Ugh, I know exactly what you mean!! My bf is 6'6" and maybe weighs 175, and eats like garbage.. he'll seriously eat a half package of cookies or a half tray of brownies in a sitting without thinking about it... AND can't gain weight if he tries :grumble:

    Thankfully he's been super supportive. He'll put away the cookies when I'm over, he'll come out running with me, and tells me he's proud of me :love: :heart:

    Maybe try talking to your bf and explaining how hard it is for you to see those foods you crave, hopefully you two can come to some sort of compromise.
  • Hi Glam. Aren't men annoying like that? :tongue: Mine does it too. Do you do the grocery shopping? If so, maybe you can both get healthier. I've found that my finance eats whatever's put in front of him.

    I bought the sugar free Jello pudding snacks (60 cals- Chocolate tuxedo - yum- and they have Oreo ones too!) and the Chocolate & Oats Fiber One Bars (They're like eating a candy bar only good for you- 140 cals.) My finance loves them and we're both being good! Also, Walmart carries ice cream sandwiches that are 98% fat free and about 110 cals. There are lots of yummy snacks out there that won't undo all your hard work.

    If you buy it, they'll eat it. Men hate grocery shopping anyway. If he makes a special trip for junk, tell him he better polish it off in the car before he gets back! Good luck!
  • Poison5119
    Poison5119 Posts: 1,460 Member
    I sure can relate. But I get the last laugh, because my boyfriend HAS packed it on over the last 4 years, so I don't feel TOO badly.

    There are low cal things you can snack on if you want to do mindless snackfood. The rub is that, like an alcoholic, you have to understand and learn that you are going to be around situations where there is drinking (eating), and you have to indoctrinate yourself that these yummy looking drinks(foods) are actually poison.

    Unlike an alcoholic, who won't DIE without alcohol, you must eat, so NOT eating is not an option, but if you try to look at what he's eating and remember what it is that got you where you are now, and all the work it's going to require to get where you'd LIKE to be, you'll accept that you can't have XX item quite as often as others can.

    Shanta has it straight, it's called WILLPOWER, and BAnks wrote a good peice of good old-fashioned willpower. But it does feel good to talk about it here, so GOOD for YOU.
  • schlieffen -my husband has been super supportive and is my biggest fan... i did talk with him and he does understand. :wink:

    Kellyann615 -unfortunately he likes to gorcery shop :laugh: so as i throw in the healthy stuff he throws in the junk. i have tried the fiber one bars and they are great, i'll have to try the jello sounds yummy!

    Russia- I'll have to dig and find that article and read it lol

    Thanks ya'll!!!:flowerforyou:
    i just had to let it out that's all and i knew if i came on here and posted ya'll would understand :blushing:
  • czewwhat
    czewwhat Posts: 8,715
    I have one of those too, he adores me, would never try to undermine my progress, but loves his food! The real injustice is he gets to eat more than 1000 calories more than me, 6 ft tall man, vs 5ft 5in woman! No matter what he still gets more. We just have to learn to cope! We can do this, I feel what you are feeling, you are not alone!

    At least you have a man that loves you, that says a lot! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
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