I'm fighting my metabolic disorder!

Hey! Thanks for opening this and reading it!

I'm Chelsi, I'm 23, and I'm 140 lbs. I know that that's a number that's a little bit lower than most starting weights on the website, but I have to work just as hard as someone heavier in order to lose half the weight. I am looking for someone to help encourage me to not give up this time. I have been really trying for the past year and a half to lose 15 pounds so that I can be at my optimal weight according to my age and height.

I started to jog around the lake, about 2 miles a day, 4 days a week. Then I started to rollerblade, do workout videos (Jillian Michaels, Debbie Seibers, Bob Harper), yoga, pilates, and even Insanity (by beachbody).

I have dwindled down my diet (slowly but surely) to a plant-based, but poultry and dairy friendly, 50%organic, hardly processed diet. I am the healthiest eater I've ever known, besides my husband who has been making these changes with me. I haven't been able to lose a pound for longer than a day or two. I've been fighting between gaining and losing the same 3 pounds for the last full year, and I'm just now realizing it's because of the metabolic syndrome that I forgot I had. I have a mixture of tangled webs in my endocrine system; sometimes it's diagnosed as insulin resistance, sometimes syndrome x, and sometimes they just call it "a metabolic nightmare of sorts."

I was diagnosed originally at age 17 (6 years ago) with insulin resistance and pcos. No big deal, those are two popular issues these days. I was treated with metformin for several months, and my symptoms had decreased significantly when I lost weight, so I was taken off of the medication (but way too soon). Since I stopped recognizing that I had to watch my diet and pay attention to my body, when I went off to college, I just let loose and ate what my heart desired. I didn't gain the freshman 15, but I ended up gaining it throughout the 4 years- and now I can't let it go, literally.

For the past 6 years, I let my non-health take me over and I started to obsess about my unhappy body image. Even still, I see it as so awkwardly shaped - I don't look well in most of my clothes. It makes me antisocial, depressed, sad, angry- you name it. Most of the time, if I run into the "getting-dressed-crisis" I just put my lounge pants back on and refuse to go out (even to the grocery store...or gas station).

SO as you can see, I'm really eager to lose weight, but not just for cosmetic purposes. Losing weight will be a permanently beneficial step in my life; one I have waited for since before all of my issues were discovered. This is a goal 10 years (or more) in the making.

I'm ready to do it!


  • Dietz27
    Dietz27 Posts: 107
    Good luck in your journey! I am type 2 diabetic and really enjoy this site as I get myself back in order. It has been a blessing really...it was time to make significant changes!!
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    Hi Chelsi! Welcome to MFP!

    Feel free to add me, I will support you x
  • Pet03
    Pet03 Posts: 38 Member
    Hi Chelsi!

    You can add me as a friend. I will help you in whatever way you need.