3 1/2 weeks and nothing lost, HELP!!!!

Well its been 3 1/2 weeks and I have lost absolutely nothing. I take Phentermine 37.5 once a day to curb appetite (usually last until 2 pm), I walk on a treadmill everyday for 30 minutes. I eat primarily healthy protein foods, no sugar, and lots of water. What am I doing wrong?????


  • hof79
    hof79 Posts: 6
    don't give up. Are you measuring, too?
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Well its been 3 1/2 weeks and I have lost absolutely nothing. I take Phentermine 37.5 once a day to curb appetite (usually last until 2 pm), I walk on a treadmill everyday for 30 minutes. I eat primarily healthy protein foods, no sugar, and lots of water. What am I doing wrong?????

    No idea. You could open your diary and/or share some numbers on what you eat and yourself, then people will be able to comment.
  • jandlrud
    jandlrud Posts: 8
    How do you open up your diary???
  • srcardinal10
    srcardinal10 Posts: 387 Member
    First, relax! It's going to be okay. Second, are you eating enough? If you're under eating then that's not going to help you lose weight at all. Have you thought about varying your cardio a few times a week? Are you doing any strength training?

    Here's something a very good friend of mine shared with me:

    "Mistake #1: You Don't Lift Weights
    You’ve no doubt been told that aerobic exercise is the key to losing your gut, but weight training is actually more valuable. Three reasons:

    1. Lifting protects your muscle. When people diet without lifting weights, research shows that 75 percent of their weight loss is from fat and 25 percent is muscle. That 25 percent may reduce your scale weight, but it doesn’t do a lot for your reflection in the mirror. However, if you weight train as you diet, your weight loss is more likely to be 100 percent fat. Think of it in terms of liposuction: The whole point is to simply remove unattractive flab, right? That’s exactly what you should demand from your workout.

    2. Lifting boosts your metabolism. Your muscles need energy to repair and upgrade your muscle fibers after each resistance-training workout. For instance, a University of Wisconsin study found that when people performed a total-body workout comprised of just three big-muscle exercises, their metabolisms were elevated for 39 hours afterward. What’s more, they also burned a greater percentage of their calories from fat during this time, compared with those who weren’t hitting the weights.

    3. Lifting torches calories. It’s considered common knowledge that jogging burns more calories than weight training. Turns out, when scientists at the University of Southern Maine used an advanced method to estimate energy expenditure during exercise, they found that weight training burns as many as 71 percent more calories than originally thought. The researchers calculated that performing just one circuit of eight exercises—which takes about 8 minutes—can expend 159 to 231 calories. That’s about the same as running at a 6-minute mile pace for the same duration. "
  • vahine03
    vahine03 Posts: 214 Member
    Go to the My Home tab. Under there, click on settings. Then click on Diary Settings. Scroll down to Diary Sharing and choose to make it public.
  • mydeloo78
    mydeloo78 Posts: 328 Member
    Go to settings up top, click on diary settings. Scroll down and allow public access to your diary. It will allow people to see what you've been eating and have much better feedback!
  • loope1
    loope1 Posts: 14
    I am 3.5 weeks in as well and thought I had lost a couple of pounds, only to weigh in a few days later and showing no weight loss. I am working out 6 days a week - alternating strength training and kickboxing. Eating right and measuring everything.

    The folks at the gym tell me that I probably won't notice a difference until around week 7 which is frustrating when you are working your butt off and eating right.

    I think what may be happening is if I am losing weight, the scale isn't showing it because I am simultaneously building muscle (which weighs more than fat) and am drinking tons more water - so there is water weight also.

    I am waiting to see a difference in my clothes, but nothing so far.
    I am just trying to focus on the health benefits at the moment and trusting what everyone I have talked to has said: the change will come.

    Try not to lose heart - don't give up- keep going!
  • str8bowbabe
    str8bowbabe Posts: 712 Member
    Well its been 3 1/2 weeks and I have lost absolutely nothing. I take Phentermine 37.5 once a day to curb appetite (usually last until 2 pm), I walk on a treadmill everyday for 30 minutes. I eat primarily healthy protein foods, no sugar, and lots of water. What am I doing wrong?????

    I had this same problem. I am just now starting see the weight come off. I did however see inches coming off. Sometimes its best to stay away from the scale. How are the clothes fitting? Are they loser in spots that they werent before?
  • Jess5825
    Jess5825 Posts: 228
    Judging by your diary, you should try eating. You ar eating way to little.
  • jandlrud
    jandlrud Posts: 8
    They seem to be loose in the butt a little, but I'm thinking that is from the treadmill.
  • jandlrud
    jandlrud Posts: 8
    My diary is now open, suggestions please!!!!
  • jandlrud
    jandlrud Posts: 8
    Food list please!!!
  • RosieWest8
    RosieWest8 Posts: 185 Member
    Eat more. Eat the amount of calories you're supposed to. Figure out your BMR and TDEE and eat somewhere in between them (less than TDEE and AT LEAST or more than BMR)


    This will give you a ballpark idea of your BMR, then you multiply by your 'activity level' to find TDEE.
    Theoretically if you ate the amount of calories that is your TDEE you would maintain your weight...so by subtracting some calories from that number you should then start to lose. But if you eat below your BMR you can wreak havoc on your metabolism which doesn't help you lose weight at all.
  • thomassd1969
    thomassd1969 Posts: 564 Member
    Ok to be perfectly honest I went back on your diary to the begining and if you are truely logging everything you are eating you are WAY under what you should be fueling your body with a day. I only found 2 days that you were even remotely close to eating 1200 calories. Im not sure what your height and weight is but below 1200 cal a day with exercise is too low. I am 5ft 3in and 162 lbs I exercise 5 out of 7 days with running and heavy lifting. My calorie intake a day is 1640 and thats doing nothing. I try and eat back most of my exercise calories. I am losing inches and weight. Try and eat more. Add me if you like.
  • jandlrud
    jandlrud Posts: 8
    OK, i'm new to all this. What is TDEE?
  • slim104
    slim104 Posts: 160
    It also looks like a lot of processed and junk food to me. If you are logging everything, some days you eat less than 500 calories. Way too low.
    Try cooking proper food and vegetables. Its easy and you'll also save money.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Without more info, it really, really sounds like you're not eating nearly enough. Sounds like you're basically forcing your body into starvation mode, where it's going to hold on to every pound you've got for dear life. Are you coming close to hitting your calorie goal? I would look there first.

    I'm speaking from some experience. I hit or exceed my calorie goal pretty much every day. I'm eating in the 2200-2600 range every day. Friday is weigh in day for me and every friday, I drop 2 pounds just like clockwork. It's so steady and predictable to almost be boring.

    I've tried replacing all my real meals with Slimfast or some other low calorie type shake, and I would stay the same or even gain weight. MFP has been a godsend for me.
  • RosieWest8
    RosieWest8 Posts: 185 Member
    I'm re-posting this, to make sure you see it...and b/c I feel the website is a little messy.


    Get your BMR, then there is a link that says "Daily Caloric Needs” in blue below that….it will give you the multiplication factors based on activity level. You may have to do a little trial and error though b/c these are just estimates -- so it might take a bit to find out the best calorie limit for yourself.
    Good luck.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Thanks for opening up the diary. It could be that you are not using it for every meal and it's missing some entries. But if it's accurate, you are coming up waaaaaaay short on the calories. Especially on the days where you're skipping dinner. Even if those are just missed entries, you're 600-900 short on some days and even dinner wouldn't get you in range. Eat more, and eat more often. It'll work.

    Also, for you and the other poster that's 3 weeks in, give it some time. I've noticed with myself that it take a few weeks on a new program for my body to adjust and get with it. That's both when I was training to gain muscle and when I was trying to lose fat.