So hungry today - can't stop eating!

What's up with me? Don't usually eat so much in a day. I've gone OVER my calories and I still fancy a bite (of something).

I only did 30 Day Shred and turbofire Hiit 20 minutes this morning.

And no, it's not TOTM.

Any enlightenment?

I'm drinking water to stave it but not working. Maybe I'll just go to bed (it's 9pm here in London, UK) :laugh:


  • Could be you're just stressed out about something, that usually does it for me. Or it could just be one of those days, some days I'm hungrier than others. And some days I have less willpower than other days. When those happen to coincide... problems.
  • Thanks for responding. I can't say I'm stressed about anything in particular so could be one of dem days. Anyway, I've just given in to a pot of yoghurt and some mixed nuts. Heavenly :laugh: :laugh:
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I've had those thing you can do is eat a giant piece of protein (6 oz of chicken or fish) and wait 1/2 hour...chances are you'll lose your cravings and be full. Worst thing you can do is eat simple carbs...they'll just make you crave more stuff.
  • rmartin72
    rmartin72 Posts: 1,085 Member
    I honestly feel the same way this week, I can not get full when I eat.
  • Thank you. I'm off to bed soon so that'll be that :laugh:
  • rmartin72
    rmartin72 Posts: 1,085 Member
    Have a great night sleep:):)
  • gypsybug
    gypsybug Posts: 106 Member
    You did strength training and a HIIT workout! Both types of workouts tend to make you hungry. Especially strength. I do strength 3x a week and the day after each one I'm RAVENOUS. I give my body what it needs....fuel. I eat my exercise calories and try to ensure that I get plenty of protein after strength.
  • I have Greek yogurt if I'm having a day like that. Fixes the problem every time.
  • sting5
    sting5 Posts: 408
    I have plenty of those days...I do manage to stay close to my calorie goal, but it is a struggle. For me, I feel like I never quite fill my self up. Anyway, my advice is to go to bed lol :)
  • ms_walker
    ms_walker Posts: 30 Member
    I'm having the exact same day! In London too, there must be something in the air!
  • sunshine45356
    sunshine45356 Posts: 78 Member
    when I am on 30 DS I feel like I am starving all the time!
  • kasarin
    kasarin Posts: 82
    try eating a little more protien when it feels like you are bottom-less pit. If I hit the carbs on those days I never find the bottom, protien seems to fill better.
  • cpotter4
    cpotter4 Posts: 116 Member
    That was me yesterday! And I just couldn't stay out of the peanut butter, I ate like 3 tablespoons of it! But for me, it is TTOM, so that was probably it.
  • Thanks everyone. I know what to do next time.

    I'll have to do Pure Cardio (Insanity) tomorrow to burn off what I've eaten today :laugh:
  • I've got more calories to play with today (just in case :wink: )

    I did my 30 day shred and Banish Fat Boost Metabolism :drinker:
  • emma7437
    emma7437 Posts: 225 Member
    Every now and then I am starving all day, even though I eat as I usually do. After a couple of days I get on the scales and have often dropped 1.5 - 2 kgs in three or four days. No wonder I have been hungry. Things usually settle after a few days!
  • jennib2002
    jennib2002 Posts: 23
    You need to eat more protein. Protein helps you feel fuller for longer periods of time. I had the same problem when I was starting my diet and my doctor told me protein, protein, protein. So now I eat a protein bar for breakfast and I am fine!!
  • fabHIT
    fabHIT Posts: 1
    "When those days happen to coincide... problems." I feel like that day is today... I'm already 1,000 over and all I can think about is milk chocolate.... Thanks for making me laugh... :) lol