SixPack App PRO - Fitness Library App

YassSpartan Posts: 1,195 Member
edited December 18 in Health and Weight Loss
FREE for a VERY limited time
Features 100+ of today's most popular exercises, many that don't require any equipment.

1) Before and After studio quality Pics
2) Step-by-step Instructions
3) Great Information about the exercise
4) Helpful Tips & Tricks
5) Detailed Muscle Illustrations
6) "DONT" - What NOT to do!

SixPack App is divided into helpful categories: Chest, Shoulders, Back, Legs, Biceps, Abs, Triceps and Stretches, even a bonus section of Yoga Exercises!

Includes dumbbell, barbell, exercise tubing, exercise ball, body weight (no added weight) exercises and many core exercises.

Contains a generous variety of workout routines including beginner, intermediate, circuit training, travel routine, push/pull and upper/lower body splits.

Check the app in the iTunes store here

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