Don't Like Fruits & Veggies



  • Buckeyt
    Buckeyt Posts: 473 Member
    What do you do if you don't like fruits and veggies.
    More often than not it's a texture thing as opposed to a taste thing.

    Current Likes are...
    Fruits: Apples, Green Grapes
    Veggies: Steamed Broccoli, Corn, Potatoes (in any form)

    How can I still get the nutrition when I don't like them?

    Suck it up. YOu're an adult. Veggies won't kill you.

    So let me get this straight, the texture of a perfectly crisp apple turns you off?
  • Ravenesque_
    Ravenesque_ Posts: 257 Member
    I do not like

    string beans

    and nything else thst smelly when cooked or slimey when eaten

    i will et most else things though

    ho i get round this is either steam them so their still crunchy - not slimy - or putting them very small cut up into salads or sauces
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    SergeantSunshine_reused Posts: 5,382 Member
    Which ones specifically do you not like? So we can help more :D

    I HATE broccoli and cauliflower. So I don't eat them xD
    But love all winter squash, zucchini, asparagus, and most veggies roasted in lots of garlic and some olive oil are delicious :]
  • cellokitty91
    cellokitty91 Posts: 127 Member
    Yeah, you can puree them and add them into your recipes.
    My brother is the same way;he literally gags with veggies in his mouth. I bought a book called Deceptively Delicious. Its has a ton of good ways to get them into other foods.
  • nehushtan
    nehushtan Posts: 566 Member
    Try the steam-in-a-bag veggies that have their own sauce. Usually fairly low in calories (if you don't get the bags that include rice), and usually very tasty.
  • angng
    angng Posts: 137 Member
    Sautee some asparagus or fresh green beans in olive oil and garlic.

    I agree with fresh spinach in a smoothie: you can add a TON without tasting it.

    For my 4-year-old, I use the Jessica Simpson "Deceptively Delicious" cookbook. If he doesn't know it's in there, he'll eat it.
  • ArtemisMoon
    ArtemisMoon Posts: 144
    I actually spent my entire childhood and teen years convinced I disliked veggies and absolutely HATED them raw. I have a bit of a texture issue too. Asperger's runs in my family and I think I am mildly affected by it, and my brother severely. I could nearly count on one hand everything he would eat until after he turned thirty and finally started eating a few more things (he wouldn't even eat pasta until after he turned 30!). So honestly, compared to him you have a good start. If he can learn to eat something other than pepperoni pizza, bacon, grits, green beans, pancakes, waffles, grilled cheese, and sweet stuff (literally, that was his diet), I am sure you can! And I actually eat salads now, and I adore asparagus, tomatoes, orange peppers, squash, broccoli...I had to work at it, but found I really did have a taste for them that I never allowed myself to cultivate. I am practically veggie obsessed now and eat them quite often. Start off gently and incorporate them into foods you love. You can blend them into creamy soups or even blend them into the cheese for mac and cheese. Oven roasted and sauteed with seasonings like garlic, oregano, ginger, red many great ways to cook them!
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    It reaches a point where you have to just get yourself used to them. I understand the texture thing- most of the foods I dislike are texture based, not taste based. I didn't like tomatoes, avocado, berries of any kind, etc. I found that if I had them prepared in the right way, I could eat them. Cooked tomatoes didn't bother me as much as raw tomatoes did, so adding a can of diced tomatoes to coup or pasta was fine. Avocado I first started eating topped on hamburgers because I liked the contract of the cool, creamy avocado against the savory burger and bacon. From there I just expanded and tried it on other sandwiches, then on eggs, tacos, and so on and so on and now I'll eat them on anything.

    Berries have been a hard one for me to get, because I hate the seeds. I started with blueberries because they have the least noticeable seeds. From there I made the leap into strawberries, which I found was made easier when I started buying awesome, fresh strawberries at the local farmer's market. Still working on raspberries and blackberries, but it's progress.

    In short, you can train yourself to like certain foods, it just takes some experimenting and figuring out how to prepare them to your liking.
  • ArtemisMoon
    ArtemisMoon Posts: 144
    Oh, and for your fruits...they mirror my taste as a child exactly, too. Now I eat strawberries and cranberries and kiwi and cherries...again, I just had to really give myself a change to like them.
  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    Try juicing a glass full of fruits and veggies... Take some carrots and some celery juice them together then juice some fruits they taste really yummy... And no I am not saying go on a juicing diet... I am just sayin add that as a snack or something thru out the day once a day...
  • onedayillbeamilf
    onedayillbeamilf Posts: 966 Member
    For starters, eat the vegetables that you currently enjoy (ditch the corn and potatoes,though) while slowly trying to introduce yourself to other vegetables and textures. There's so many different types of vegetables out there, so you shouldn't have trouble finding something that you like.

    Yes. Eat the veggies you like, but ditch two of the three of them....?

    I don't like veggies either, but I've found using the blender to chop them into tiny pieces then cooking them into foods I like helps. I used teeny tiny broccoli instead of lettuce for taco salad last week. I also use shredded cabbage instead of lettuce for my salads.
  • Brechin89
    Brechin89 Posts: 92
    Mix your veggies with another food... I hate veggies with a passion. I cannot eat them plain at all I will gag...

    So what I did was mix that stuff up into my food like you your dogs medicine.

    My favorite to use is potatoes. I can mix just about any green veggie in it and not taste it.

    Hope this helps
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Mangoes and Pineapples are pure sex in food form.

    Carrots, Onions, Parsnip, Sweet Potato...all very good :love:
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    I used to absolutely hate all of them.
    Now I can't survive one day without them.
  • chrystee
    chrystee Posts: 295 Member
    You have to keep trying them different ways!
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    For starters, eat the vegetables that you currently enjoy (ditch the corn and potatoes,though) while slowly trying to introduce yourself to other vegetables and textures. There's so many different types of vegetables out there, so you shouldn't have trouble finding something that you like.

    awkward, i eat corn and potato almost every day. my NUTRITION teacher said there was nothing wrong with it.
  • saraann4
    saraann4 Posts: 1,312 Member
    What do you do if you don't like fruits and veggies.
    More often than not it's a texture thing as opposed to a taste thing.

    Current Likes are...
    Fruits: Apples, Green Grapes
    Veggies: Steamed Broccoli, Corn, Potatoes (in any form)

    How can I still get the nutrition when I don't like them?

    Sounds like me except that I also like green beans, carrots, cauliflower, bananas, oranges, pineapple, and blueberries. I don't like anything weird like brussel sprouts or asparagus...I've tried them smothered in cheese and still hate the taste. I don't like tomatoes (not like that's weird), but I can tolerate them in a sauce or in a taco just can't eat them by itself.

    You should try steamed me it's kinda the same texture as broccoli.
  • rackoffe
    rackoffe Posts: 2
    try putting them in smoothies. It will have the same amount of nutrition just in another form :) Just be careful about not putting too much dairy in your smoothies!
  • Ange_
    Ange_ Posts: 324 Member
    I'm a true believer that if you can work out what the texture or taste is of something you don't like, it is very easy to work out a way to cook it so you do like it.

    My BF doesn't like eggplant but i grew kilos and kilos of it this summer. We eat it almost every day and i find a way to cook it so he likes it.

    A big thing for bitter tasting veggies like eggplant and zucchinis/squashes is to salt them. Leave them for a while, then rinse off the salt, then cook them till they melt in your mouth.
    He also didn't like the texture of eggplant and i worked out if i pealed them they were completely different also.
    While some nutrition is lost in pealing, it is far better to eat them than not at all.

    Strong flavours like curry also mask the taste and then you are left more with textures which you can also hide based on how you cook them.

    To up your green intake, maybe look into some green smoothies. They taste like the fruit rather than veggies depending on what you put into them.

    What about making oven fries with things like sweet potato or parsnip?

    What about soups?

    What about 'hiding' very finely chopped vegetables in spaghetti bolognaise?

    Perhaps look into what parents can do do hide vegetables for fussy kids! Some of those tips might work for you too.

    Also there are lots of vegetable chocolate cake recipes. Ones for zucchini, carrot etc. All better than not eating your vegetables at all!