Sore Wrists

Hey everyone! I just have a question and was hoping for some suggestions. I am doing P90X right now, on day 4. I find that i get really sore wrists from many of the exercises. Do I just need to endure this until my wrists and arms get stronger or should I get a wrist brace or something. It makes it hard to complete my workouts properly and with good form. Any suggestions would be wonderful, thank you!


  • cinsuccess
    cinsuccess Posts: 333 Member
    I broke my wrist a number of years ago so I have several braces I use depending upon the exercise. As my arms are getting stronger, I'm finding that I don't need the "light" brace for the easier exercises as much anymore. In my (non-expert) opinion, if your body is sending you pain signals, you should listen. Besides having the brace doesn't mean you will use it every time, all the time. Use it when you need it so you can get the most out of the workout without risking an injury.