
tracypk Posts: 233 Member
I have been on MFP for over a year and I was doing really well until about 9 months ago. I gained 10 lbs and stayed there for a while and have just recently gained another 10 lbs. I know it's due to lack of maintenance I slacked off tracking my cals and reduced exercise to almost nothing. I get why I gained the weight but now it's been harder to get back on the wagon. For me right now it's mental. I have no motivation and I'm unhappy with my current weight. I feel like giving up and just being happy with where I am, but I'm really not happy. Has anyone else been here and if so how did you get out of it? I could really use some insight. I recently posted for help with motivation but got no takers. Anything would help. I know there are a lot of people with experience and knowledge that will assist me in my current situation. Thank you!


  • tracypk
    tracypk Posts: 233 Member
    Anyone please. I know ppl here are very knowledgable I have read a lot and so far haven't seen anything specific to me.