I need some MOTIVATION!! Please help me out..

Hey everyone, I just started this app a couple of days ago.. I have dropped 4 lbs so far, and my journey is just beginning! I enjoy eating as much as all of you probably do. But it is time to take control over it. I am finding my uniform for work is becoming tighter and my shirts that I used to be able to fit in months ago, yeah I can't do it anymore. I am tired of it.. So what I am askiing from yall is to help me out be pushing me, and motivating me... Add me at tornadofreek!



  • sthrnchick
    sthrnchick Posts: 771
    Hey everyone, I just started this app a couple of days ago.. I have dropped 4 lbs so far, and my journey is just beginning! I enjoy eating as much as all of you probably do. But it is time to take control over it. I am finding my uniform for work is becoming tighter and my shirts that I used to be able to fit in months ago, yeah I can't do it anymore. I am tired of it.. So what I am askiing from yall is to help me out be pushing me, and motivating me... Add me at tornadofreek!


    Feel free to add me... Let me just say, this site will help you form goals and stay on track! And get plenty of GOOD friends that will push and encourage you.
  • JMPerlin
    JMPerlin Posts: 287 Member
    You can add me as well.
  • katieeweiss
    katieeweiss Posts: 185 Member
    Add me as a friend! I'm a great motivator and I'm great at *receiving* motivation! ;D