New here and need all the motivation I can get!

Hello every one my name is Brittany. I just joined MFP today (yay me!!) I had been seeing a goodfriend of mine post all kinda of stuff on facebook about this site so I figured I would check it out.

Anyway I am 25 soon to be 26yrs old and I am a single mom with 2 daughters, my oldest is 7 and youngest is 2 1/2. I just finished school and I am now externing and hoping to move into a full time position. I just started the brazil butt lift work out dvd's so I can get exercise when I get my "alone time" in the evenings.

I have a HUGE issue with food its my weakness and I need to learn to make better choices and to drink more water. I just went through a divorce and with that I lost 30lbs from stress and I need to loose about 20-25 more to see if I am comfortable with myself, but I need help I can not do this on my own. So anyone willing to make a new friend and help keep me on track and going in the right direction would be awesome.
