Belly fat

I know that it's impossible to spot reduce fat. However, my belly fat simply doesn't change. I've been up/down with weight all of my life, and after two kids, I knew that I needed to get more serious about it. So it's been a very long, and very slow journey but I'm losing, and seeing major changes in my body as far as muscle tone and such. I love all of it but the belly. It hasn't changed a bit in months and I don't know how to remedy that.

I eat mainly proteins, carbs come from fruit/veggies and complex carbs. I limit sugar as much as possible--yes, I have the occasional treat, but it's OCCASIONAL--and I stay within my calorie limits. I workout 6 days a week with turbofire.

Thoughts? Ideas? Suggestions? What's worked for you? I've always carried my weight in my belly, so I know that it will probably be one of that last things to really change, but I must be doing something wrong.


  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    Well as you said you carry msot of your fat in your belly & usually the first one you put on is the last one to go. I suggest you have your body fat percentage checked by a professional. Also while turbofire is great but that alone isn't enough to get you toned, you need to have a progressive overload to keep challenging your body & muscles to gain more muscle to burn more fat and from there you will see the difference. It will benefit you the most if you add free weights, bodyweight exercisews such as push-ups, pull-ups, planks & lift heavy at least twice per week.
  • calalily77
    calalily77 Posts: 240 Member
    I just started the P90X this week and am hoping for a miracle tummy shrinker! I have 3 kids so I know how hard it is to get rid of this. Though this is the first time i am really trying hard. I hope you figure it out...Im sure you will. Good luck.