Has Anyone Lost 25 pounds in 1 month??



  • IronMan_DuhamNC
    It's totally unhealthy and dangerous.
  • Mini_horse_lover
    Mini_horse_lover Posts: 178 Member
    I lost that in approx 80 days, starting at 210+ lbs.
  • it very well could be. I've had a few doctors tell me because I was "morbidly obese" and whatnot, at my weight, losing the weight was good.

    my GI doc was a little concerned.
  • suemetra
    well, I lost 10 lbs in 14 days, i think it may be possible.
  • HacheraTsarine
    HacheraTsarine Posts: 278 Member
    There are mainly two ways to lose 25 pounds in a month:

    1. Cut off a limb. Pro : quick, cheap, no struggle. You suffer for a few days, then enjoy the rest of the month. Con : you'll look quite asymmetrical. For life.

    2. Reach a daily calorie deficit of 3500 calories (3500 calories = 1 lb). The five last days of the month are for resting. Pro : you get to keep all of your 4 limbs (yay!). Con : you have to eat 0 calories and burn 3500 calories everyday. Or eat 500 calories and burn 4000 calories daily. Or any combination that will equate to a 3500 calories deficit. You can burn 3500 calories by running something like 25km (depending on your original body weight, of course). Totally doable.

    Best of luck! :flowerforyou: :drinker: :tongue:
  • it's possible. but who knows. im on a VERY strict bland diet. Most of what I eat is applesauce, yogurt, cheerios, water, gatorade, turkey breast sandwhiches, tuna...

    It seriously sucks, but i used to eat oatmeal for breakfast, lean cuisine for lunch and then fried chicken, pizza, heavy lasanga, taco bell, chinese food, etc...for dinner

    Every day.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Necrothread revived again? OP was from... may of last year. Methinks something is awry.
  • my apologies for rehashing an old thread. i just signed up today because of the weight ive lost. i am concerned, and typed it in the google search and came up with this thread.

    my apologies, but just thought id come in and see
  • kjg1965297
    Yes in the month of August
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    my apologies for rehashing an old thread. i just signed up today because of the weight ive lost. i am concerned, and typed it in the google search and came up with this thread.

    my apologies, but just thought id come in and see
    No worries, but if you post in here, most folks are going to think you're responding to the person that posted this originally. You'll have much better results if you post a new thread yourself with your concerns.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Since this thread is over a year old, I wish we knew how the OP did. Unsatisfying thread is unsatisfied.
  • mmipanda
    mmipanda Posts: 351 Member
    I'm pretty sure Shel Goldfarb managed it.
  • So, recently, I've stepped on the scale.

    Down 21 pounds in 24 days.

    I was told I had IBS and Diverticulosis recently. I also have a closing at the top of my left kidney. All lovely welcome news. -__-

    They told me because I started at 324, was male, and am on a very bland diet, that it was going to happen. That all may be true, and I'm glad I'm dropping weight but I'm concerned about the rate...well that and the fact I don't have clothes that fit me anymore...lol.

    All docs aren't concerned with the drop of weight (due to the factors listed), but I'm keeping an eye on it.

    It is good however not having to be out of breath walking up and down stairs, getting out of chairs, or tying my shoe.
  • lsigall
    lsigall Posts: 58 Member
    You have IBS and Diverticulosis, lost 21 pounds in 24 days, and your doctors aren't worried? I have Crohn's Disease, which is a form of Inflammatory Bowel Disease, so not dissimilar to what you have. May I suggest you get a second opinion? It may be that you are losing weight so quickly because you aren't able to absorb nutrients from your food due to the IBS/Diverticulosis. That is a big risk for people with intestinal disorders, so I'm constantly monitoring the rate at which I'm losing. If I were to start losing more than 2 lbs. per week, on average, I'd be into my GI in a heartbeat.
  • Yeah. I've been to the doctors quite often. Very often actually. Like over 30 times in 3 weeks. In fact, I went this morning at 6 am. I talked to the GI as well. I've also bombarded them with messages (I think they are annoyed with me now...lol).

    Recently I received this message from my GI:

    "Certainly your altered diet and stress can affect both your stool pattern and weight. Additionally, stress and worry can easily affect your bowel pattern as well. Increased stress hormone levels can directly impact your intestines as part of the neuro-gastrointestinal pathway, often causing loose stools and/or discomfort/pain as a result. Your abdominal pain could also be related to intestinal spasms. For now, I would recommend you continue both powder fiber supplementation and plenty of daily fluids since they go hand in hand towards improving your stool formation and consistency. Hopefully, there may also be a positive effect towards your pain symptoms as well."

    I'm just so confused. -__0

    All websites say its a bad thing. They mention it's not bad? I'm confused?

    I'm the kind of person who runs to the doctor for anything I feel isn't right - not normal for a guy to do - but I do anyway. I'm just a bit concerned.

    I was adopted so I don't know much of my bio family history. I did track down my bio mother and she recently told me: Liver Disease, Sciatia, "Various Forms of Cancer," runs in the family. From her individually she listed: COPD, Low HDL/High LDL Cholesterol, Bronchitis, Torn Cartilidge in both knees, rhumatoid arthritis, GERD, IBS, Upper and lower bleeding ulcers, Lombardosis, Depression. Some of the meds she can't have? Vicodin, Percocet, Codine, Morphine, Acetaminophen.

    Seems like I have quite a few of the same. GERD, Bronchitis, Torn Cartilidge in both knees, HDL/LDL, Lombardsosis, IBS, Depression, Vicodin, Percocet... Hmm.

    Does stress really do all that? Hell right now, I'm not thinking while im typing this. I'm thinking about my lower back hurting like a b*tch in the lower right.

    Oh, I forgot. I had an Abdominal X-Ray on August 29. I had a Abdominal & Pelvic CT Scan on September 1. I had a back X-Ray on September 17. I have had 4 sets of blood work done (Aug 29, Sept 1, Sept 13, Sept 19)
  • lsigall
    lsigall Posts: 58 Member
    If you're seeing a lot of doctors, and they aren't concerned, I guess just monitor it a bit longer and see if the weight loss levels off. I assume your blood work is OK on the non-IBS related items. By which I mean that your C-reactive proteins and/or ESR (sed rate) are likely elevated as a result of intestinal inflammation, but other things (like hemoglobin, hematocrit, vitamin levels, etc.) are not really bad.

    For the intestinal spasms, you might want to try certain herbal teas. I find that peppermint tea really helps me, but if you also have GERD, you probably shouldn't drink peppermint tea! It can aggravate GERD. But other teas, like ginger, fennel, or chamomile teas, are calming for the guts and also anti-inflammatory.

    Feel free to add me as a friend, if you'd like. I have done a ton of research on IBD and am working with a registered dietician so I can lose weight safely and not have IBD flares.
  • Yeah. The blood work is all normal with the exception of MPV's (red blood cell size) - it's 11.8 in a scale that ends at 10.9 - doc's said that is nowhere near important.

    3 weeks ago my ALT was 46 out of a max scale of 50 (for high normal). on sept 13 it was 72. On sept 19 it was 64.

    I was sucking down cough drops like candy though before sept 13 - which was said to raise it.

    Other than that? Nothing.
  • Well come this Wednesday it will be 5 weeks.

    5 weeks ago - 324 pounds.

    Currently today - 298.

    I tried eating heavily (well, heavily on the bland diet (however that comes across lol)), and still dropped a few pounds. I think I'm being malnurished. No veggies have been eaten. cant have milk right now. It sucks horribly.

    I just want to get back to being normal. lol
  • TacoGato22
    I am not sure about some of the comments here, with people saying it is dangerous, or you are going to be starving yourself, or its not safe etc.

    I went vegetarian about 7 years ago and I lost 50 pounds within the first 3 months just by cutting out meats, dairy, eggs, etc.

    I decided at Jan 1st, 2014 to go back to a vegan lifestyle to get my weight under control. It had spiked up because I took my girlfriend to all her favorite places, Cheesecake factory, fogo de chao, etc, before her weight loss surgery. Her weight came off, mine stuck around of course.

    Anyway, it is Feb 5th now, and so far I have lost 25 pounds. My beginning weight was 268. It is now 243. I will start my exercise routine this month, the first month was just too busy with deaths in the family and finding out we are pregnant etc, plus its been way too cold for me to even want to be out any longer than possible.

    So, I had lost 24 pounds over the course of a month (Jan 1st,to Feb 1st), with no exercise, drinking lots of water, eating a vegan diet, full of fruits, carbs (rice, potatoes), oatmeal, broccoli and a whole range of tasty and nutritious meals. My energy is through the roof, my joint pain went away *I use to have horrid joint pain in the shoulders, and my elbow, I attribute this to inflamed joints due to my previous diet), and I feel wonderful.

    I use to be a nutritionist for the Air Force so I have a good understanding of what the diet plays in terms of weight loss. I am never hungry, I eat every 2 to 3 hours *grazing* and I have tasty and delicious meals that are not bland, aka eating pickles all month.

    I even plateaued for 6 days from Jan 27th, to Feb 2nd, where I stayed the same weight at 248.

    I am 37 by the way.
  • a month ago i was 84 kgs, now i am 73kg. i still have all my strength and i still look damn good so i think im about to call it a successfull cut