I am back

mloren Posts: 9 Member
Help!! To make a long story short my company went belly up, I was out of work 4 months and gained 40 lbs. I am way past my comfort zone working in a new State and new job and new co-workers. So I eat -my comfort-. Checked my BP last night and it was up. I don't want to go back on medication. I need to get back on track and lose that weight. My mind knows it but I am not committed 100%. I would help any help for an over 60 and still working person..Thanks mloren


  • gseburn
    gseburn Posts: 456 Member
    Hello. Age is not a barrier, it can be done. Envision the new you and focus on the little things everday. You can do it!
  • SLambertAlaska
    SLambertAlaska Posts: 197 Member
    Over 60 is still a lot of your life left! Focus on how you want to live it to help stick to your plan.
    Good Luck. Well, its not so much luck as "good work!"