Its the weekend and all i want is a takeaway!!! what can i have???? or what can i cook that will make me feel like im having one? thanks.


  • nightsrainfall
    nightsrainfall Posts: 244 Member
    What's a takeaway?

    Tonight I'm going to a Brazilian restaurant with my family. I know it's going to be more calories than what I normally eat, but I'm planning for it so hopefully I won't go over or not over by too much. Not sure if that's like a takeaway or not. I'll still try to track it, but I won't worry about calories so much while I'm there.

    As for meals to cook. I'd google around if I were you. You can easily find either easy to cook, or under 500 calorie, or restaurant quality meal recipes online. That's normally what I do. :-)
  • Whisperinghorse
    Whisperinghorse Posts: 202 Member
    Dont...... Saturday night is takeaway night for us.... I try to resist but it gets reeeaalllyyy difficult...... Meh :sad:

    Best would probably be a stir fry w/o noodles of some description or a Rogan Josh curry which is made without cream rather than a Korma or similar..... The rice may be high in cals..

    I would also expect some retention of water due to the high salt content of takeaway....
  • trollydollymolly
    trollydollymolly Posts: 107 Member
    Indian or Chinese..... either of which you an make low calorie versions of and they still taste FAB PLUS you can feel virtuous afterwards - a double whammy.

    Just substitute low fat creme freche instead of cream for curries and how about a spicey stirfry for a chinese?
  • AprilOneFourFour
    AprilOneFourFour Posts: 226 Member
    If you want fish and chips either share one large portion with somebody else or buy small fish and ask for half a portion of chips...paying for a whole one if necessary because you'd rather pay 80p than scoff yourself silly. I lop the ends of the fish and take the batter off the underneath. Mad, but hey ho. Or you could buy a breaded cod fillet, some mushy peas and decent chips.

    Indian is a good bet on a diet because it's filling in a way that Chinese famously isn't. I go for tandoori / tikka meats or tomato based curries with another veg on the side and a poppadom. I don't miss the rice or bread once I'm eating and I feel satisfied but no disgusting after.

    Or you could make a sweet and sour - I always feel that my own is actually nicer than the takeaway version - it's quick and can be low cal and fat with lots of good veggies in it. Keep the portion of rice small.

    I think steer clear of pizza unless you want to do an extra hour in the gym tomorrow.