Exercise. Where do I start? I can't stick to anything!



  • mellabyte
    mellabyte Posts: 193 Member
    - start small by just thinking about moving your *kitten* more. park far away and walk from your car, take the stairs instead of the elevator/escalator, carry a basket around instead of using a cart, do what you'd normally do sitting (watching tv, talking on the phone, snacking, etc) standing and moving around instead, walk the long way (around your house/apt/whatever) to check the mail.

    All of the above may sound small and inane, but I totally understand what it feels like to go from being a lump to not and all those little bits are small steps to just get you moving.

    In regards to getting over the "I fuxing hate exercise" to "damn this makes me feel gooooood":

    - involve a friend who'll hold you accountable (aka kick yer *kitten*)

    - if you have a hobby add an active spin to it, if you like snapping stuff and posting it to instagram, go hiking or walking outdoors and snap your journey instead.

    - use incentives, when I got addicted to playing skyrim, I wouldn't allow myself to do it unless I worked out for at least an hour, or I wouldn't allow myself to go shopping for a new outfit (shopping became a problem after losing weight >_>) unless I earned it by working out

    - broadcast your plans to force yourself to be accountable (doesn't work for everyone), I would post on FB about how lumpy I felt and that I needed to hit the gym later, or about how I was going to attempt some new physical activity - after friends would comment, then I had no choice but to do it, or look like a chump. :) (bonus, after you do it, you can brag about it later.)

    - take a picture, clipping, whatever - whether it's of yourself now or who you want to be or what you want to do as the new you, put it on your fridge/mirror/etc and remind yourself why you're starting your journey in the first place. if you want it bad enough, and your remind yourself enough, you'll stick to it.

    After a while your body will start thanking you. And if you're being healthy about it, you'll have tooooons more energy.

    Just effin' do it! :D
  • loves_jc
    loves_jc Posts: 86 Member
    I dont do one routine running in the morning sometimes I use my 10k program sometimes I dont. I also do zumba, weight trainning, treadmill, swimming, hiking, workout videos, yoga. I belive that is what this is all about life style changes I eat better most all the time but dont stop eatting anyone thing, I find some kinda exercise to do daily. so the whole though of move more eat less it seems to work. Idont want to gain it back like I have in the past, so I change everything. some days I move alot, some a little, some days I eat like a champion, and some days I struggle but every day I put effort to do a what it takes to be a healthier person.
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    Find something that's not "exercise" that you can do.

    If I try to stick to going to the gym and using the elliptical ... it lasts about a week. Because honestly it's freakin' boring.

    But I'm happy to do martial arts, walking to/from work (it's almost 2 miles), or hiking.
  • Helsbells123
    it may sound silly but start at the beginning. A journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step and so should you. Noone is saying you have to run 10k straight away and you should tell them to butt out if they do, but you could say walk for 5 minutes jog for one minute, walk for 5 minutes jog for one minute or whatever pattern makes you feel comfortable and then just keep doing that until you want to extend it. If you dont want to run, then swim or Zumba or salsa or skip, whatever you fancy (or all of it).

    Also I found it really helped to join a club, not a gym, as someone pointed out as that seems to have the opposite effect. Personally I joined a swimming club (starting in the slowest lane) but knowing I had spent x amount on the class and that someone was expecting me to be there meant that I made it a priority. Plus I've meant some really great people which always helps cos we all just laugh at and with eachother especially in the beginning when we all felt self conscious and unfit.

    Good luck and it would be great to hear how you get on.
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    START SMALL.... my ex seriously made fun of me because I counted stair steps (only the ups), I also wore a pedometer, but it helped me gauge what I normally did everyday...

    45 stairs from the subway to the street, 64 stairs from the street to my apt., 30 steps from the street to my offices 3x a day.
    ...bit by bit I started going out of my way to take stairs and to walk the long way home instead of taking the subway.

    Seeing the little bits add up was encouraging, eventually joined a gym. And started out with 10 MINUTE WORKOUTS. I had to start, but if I was miserable after 10 minutes I could leave.

    I didn't want to associate exercise with suffering otherwise I'd never stick with it.
    (I don't think I ever did leave after only 10 minutes, but I find having an escape plan always increases my chance of success)