In need of friends

Well if you look through my blog ive already come a long way. I used to be close to 160 lbs and had gotten down to 110 and felt fabulous but i got pregnant with my second princess and kinda fell off the board for a while due to the many complications i had with the preg. I had my lil lady on march 31 and am now ready to get back into the game. Im down to 120 already but ive noticed all the friends id had on my list are no longer using mfp anymore and im in serious need of motivation and friends. Its just a road more pleasantly traveled when traveling with others. Im great with giving advice when i can so it doesnt matter to me if you have or havent had a ton of success as long as youre dedicated. Im soley on mobile and find it hard to log my food diary but i do log my workouts and im bfing anyways so the amount i need to eat would need to be 500 higher anyways but ive talked to the obgyn and i record how many cals i eat every day on a home paper and she thinks im at a good adverage for cals. If you are interested in adding me please feel free. In my blog it shows my past success if you want to see more. Ty for your time and your friend request if you send it. Im off for a workout now :)


  • frenchie2727
    frenchie2727 Posts: 46 Member
    Do you have bar code scanning on your mobile app? Best.feature.ever! I just sent you a request :)
  • Momcharisma88
    Momcharisma88 Posts: 94 Member
    I actually have a really low tech phone lol so i dont get all that fun stuff :/
  • JoniRiaya
    JoniRiaya Posts: 79
    Sent you a request :)
  • lcarr1020
    lcarr1020 Posts: 62 Member
    Hi Feel Free to add me! :-)
  • Hi,

    Hope you are doing well. I will send you a request soon.

    keep up the great job!

