Seriously about to give



  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    You should be eating at least your BMR for sure...You said you are at 1400 cals/day but your BMR is 1700 cals/day....This may be part of the problem...You are still not eating enough...HTH!! :)

    DON'T GIVE UP!!! You have done AMAZING so far!! :)

    Great site to calculate your BMR, TDEE....

    This is so hard for me to do right now, I'm on South Beach so mainly eating veggies and proteins and I cannot seem to get in the 1700 calories that my BMR says I should consume, but I feel like i may need too, the days I'm a lot lower in calories, I am up on the scale. I think it's hard for someone who has been dieting for most of their lives to get over this mindset of low cal/high exercise. I go the exercise down pat. I really need to work on calories. It's hard, I'm just not hungry.