anxiety and depression

i'm struggling with many things. fibromyalgia, interstitial cystitis, migraines, allergies, and now apparently tmj. My step dad past away less than two tests ago from cancer and my mom unexpectedly passed away two months ago. I was and still am devastated. I'm stressed out and anxious. I'm trying to lose weight that i've gained back after losing 70 lbs two years ago. I've only gained back about 15 lbs but to me it feels and looks like 40. I've been eating better and working out lately, which I haven't been doing st all since my mom died. And I've GAINED 3 lbs. What is going on? can it be from depression and stress?? It is so discouraging seeing the scale move up when i'm trying so hard. I feel like giving up. Sorry for the negativity, I just need help.


  • xPOOKiEx
    xPOOKiEx Posts: 156 Member
    I'm sorry to hear for your losses and hard times dear. I'm praying for you and your family in this time of need.

    My best advice would be to see your PCP as soon as possible. You should be evaluated for your anxiety/depression and see if medication might help.

    On a personal note, I had a lot of trouble managing my depression a few years ago from dealing with a high stress childhood due to my family problems....

    It's seemed to help a lot. I hated being on medication for it, but at the time I just couldn't handle it on my with your doctor.

    Feel better, and take care of yourself :flowerforyou:
  • ZugTheMegasaurus
    ZugTheMegasaurus Posts: 801 Member
    My condolences on your losses and struggles; that sounds absolutely awful. I'm fortunate to have both parents, but they went through a bitter divorce less than a year ago and that was hard, and a few dear family members have been diagnosed with terminal illnesses in the last six weeks; I also have several of the same conditions as you do and have only been living without severe depression for a few months now. While I can't imagine how hard this must be for you, I think I may understand some of the feelings you're going through.

    Right now, don't make weight loss your focus. You say you're eating better and exercising more; that's absolutely great and can really help with the negative feelings. However, don't judge whether you're doing it right based on the scale; do it to feel good about yourself and feel in control even when everything else seems to be crazy around you. As you work through these problems, losing weight can become a greater priority, and if you've established a good foundation for that, it will help when that happens.

    It is worth looking for medical assistance if you feel your depression is causing serious problems in your life, but keep in mind that feeling sad is a perfectly normal and healthy reaction to the loss of your parents. Allow yourself to feel those sad feelings rather than pushing them away or feeling bad about them. They hurt, but they will pass. At some point, you will start feeling fond (if bittersweet) memories rather than the pain of not being able to have more experiences, and the more accepting you are of your emotions and grief, the sooner that will happen. There are lots of support groups, either local or even online, that can help you work through those feelings with other people who are going through the same thing.

    I wish you all the best. Remember, this will pass, and these things will not always be as difficult as they are now.