Top 5 Things you currently LOVE



  • aallison85
    aallison85 Posts: 97 Member
    1. My boyfriend
    2. My family (including my two brand new twin nieces)
    3. My wonderful friends
    4. Fun weekend plans, which include running a 12k at Bloomsday! :)
    5. My cute pups
  • korsicash
    korsicash Posts: 770 Member
    1. My son, he is adorable
    2. My husband for letting me be a stay at home mommy and supporting me and a child who is not biologically his.
    3. my pets, they are wonderful and all but the dog is older than my son so they are my first borns :)
    4. My new found energy for exercising and being healthy
    5. My smaller sizes and that all my clothes are too big!
  • cannonsky
    cannonsky Posts: 850 Member
    1). Eventhough I'm bloated and miserable, my pants are still too big today
    2). My boss doesn't care if I sing along to music at my desk (we share an office)
    3). I got to wear jeans to work today
    4). I'm going on a walk after lunch
    5). My lunch will be a bacon and cream cheese sammich on a sourdough english muffin

    getting to wear jeans to work is one of the greatest things ever in my opinion. I always felt happier when I wasn't forced in khakis.

    Agreed. I get to wear jeans to work today too. And my boss and I rap Notorious BIG together on Fridays! haha!

    I love pretending I can rap. I use to really confuse people because I don't really like rap so much now... but I use to LOVE it.... so people would always play rap to annoy me... but they always seemed to make the mistake of playing an older song... and I would know all the words and it would confuse them... a lot :)
  • TKHappy
    TKHappy Posts: 659 Member
    1. Myself
    2. My Kids
    3. My Hubby
    4. My life
    5. My Family

    If I were to die today I would be content

  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    1. The Alien (my sister is expecting, and in the first sonogram she shared that tiny little alien-head nugget of awesome was waving to us! I fell in love, and she's not even born yet!)

    2. Jack White's new album - Blunderbuss

    3. That my Aussie Rules team is 1 and 1 for the season so far... YAYUHHHHH! Beat the NY Lady Magpies (by a lot) but lost to the best team in the league (Montreal) by a little. So it's really two wins haha.

    4. That my pants require a belt to stay up these days...

    5. That the Kentucky Derby and Cinco de Mayo is the same day? Bring on the Julep-ritas!
  • Tropical_Turtle
    Tropical_Turtle Posts: 2,236 Member
    My fur babies <3 Gryff and Gunny
    my home w/my huge backyard
    spending time with the guy I am seeing
    learning to cook for the new me
  • LoViNlIFe0225
    LoViNlIFe0225 Posts: 121
    1) Of course my wonderful man comes first since I love him most! :love:
    2) My sweet red heeler pup "Hoss" who is the most ferocious cattle dog around! :laugh:
    3) Beer :drinker:
    4) The massage I'll be getting after work :yawn:
    5) The farm my hubby and I own and operate together...I love being part of our team!
  • Gergal73
    Gergal73 Posts: 36 Member
    1. My mother
    2. My father
    3. My siblings
    4. My 3 nieces
    5. My 4 nephews

    These people bring warmth and joy to my heart. Especially my nieces and nephews! :heart: :happy:

    That's way more than 5.

    Couldn't leave anyone out! Haa! :tongue:

    Eh. You have to pick 5.

    Ahhh, I did pick 5!! That's my answer and I'm sticking with it because I like it and it's true. I'm not the only one who answered in this manner. This is all for fun with no stringent rules. Relax, enjoy, have fun and have a fantastic Friday. Cheers! :wink: :bigsmile:
  • lmarshel
    lmarshel Posts: 674 Member
    1 - My family, including the furry ones!
    2 - My son is graduating from college one week from tomorrow :bigsmile:
    3 - Vacation starts on Wednesday!!
    4 - My new car - just bought a Lacrosse in january
    5 - Today is frozen yogurt day...yippee!!
  • stella_julia
    1. My children
    2. Ice Cold water with Lemons
    3. Frozen Red grapes
    4. Walking
    5. Seeing smaller numbers on the scale
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    1. My prince who I love the most - MY BOYFRIEND :love: :heart:
    2. That fact that my abs are starting to peek out more :bigsmile:
    3. My current body
    4. My golden retriever
    5. JAPANESE FOOD :tongue:
  • SteffieMark
    SteffieMark Posts: 1,723 Member
    I'm pretty sure most people, like me, love their family and friends. The top 5 "Things" I love are....

    1) My Kettlebells, I love working out with them!
    2) My Fitbit! I never knew a tiny device could be so cool and useful!
    3) My sewing machine, I'm sewing my entire summer/fall wardrobe now!
    4) My strength returning after being broken down for so long.
    5) My free time to be able to do the things I love doing!
  • AmandaDeShawn
    AmandaDeShawn Posts: 340 Member
    1.) My Husband
    2.) My puppies
    3.) Zumba
    4.) Sleeping in
    5.) Apples & peanut butter
  • jeffazi
    jeffazi Posts: 198
    1. my wife
    2. my kids
    3. my dog
    4. my friends
    5. my guitars
  • MrsB123111
    MrsB123111 Posts: 535 Member
    1. My husband
    2. My puppy, Tinka
    3. White wine
    4. Almond Breeze almond/coconut milk blend
    5. That it's FRIDAY!!!
  • Bankman1989
    Bankman1989 Posts: 1,116 Member
    1) God
    2) My 3 sons
    3) Teaching Hardcore Spinning Classes
    4) COFFEE!!! Num num!
    5) Sweet Potato pie.
  • dalmiechick45
    dalmiechick45 Posts: 164 Member
    My dog Shiloh
    My Hubby
    My dog Copper
    My BOAT
    My best friends
  • WildFlower7
    WildFlower7 Posts: 714 Member
    My kids and boyfriend.
    Our beautiful new home and the community we live in.
    Cool nights and bon-fires.
    Hiking then setting up camp where ever our hearts desire.
    Running & weights :heart:
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    1. The fact that I can see my hourglass now! (best NSV EVER for me)
    2. That I have a wonderful life. I'm very lucky.
    3. My new laptop
    4. My garden that is doing very well (very proud)
    5. My new haircut.
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    1. My new healthy lifestyle
    2. reading and learning
    3. computers
    4. video games
    5. MFP! :)