does this sound right to you!? BMR!

i have had a hard time losing the last 20 pounds... i keep fluctuating... so i thought to myself, "self... calculate your bmr and eat your calories." i have struggled with eating too many calories or not eating enough. i finally settled at around 1400-1500 calories per day. i have my daily intake set at 1260 on here and then i work out pretty hardcore 6-7 days a week. i've tried switching it up in my gym and that just isn't working for me. granted, since about november i've been stuck and yes, i even have broken up with the scale and concentrated on inches lost instead :) but now, i really just want to see those 20 pounds gone, too.

so, like i said i calculated my bmr off of a website and according to my height and weight and sex it is saying my bmr is 1498.8. then, it said to use this formula since i am active:
•If you are very active (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days a week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.725

and that equalled out to be 2622.9! holy calories, batman. i read on- it said that to lose weight i should decrease this anywhere from 500-1000 calories. i am thinking 1600 sounds do-able, but i am looking for input!

all you bmr calorie eaters- can you help? :) does this sound right to you? i dont want to get myself mixed up and gain weight back and that is what i am most afraid of since i have a wedding in 15 days! lol


  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    Yup, you calculated right. I know it sounds like alot. Calculate your calories according to the equation and eat about 85% of them to still lose weight. If you eat all of what they are recommending, you will maintain. Remember, that your body needs fuel to burn especially if you are working out hardcore. There are several topics about this in the forums. Search for them - they really helped me.
  • getfitsuccess
    Yes that is correct. You need to fuel the machine. You were eating too few given the workout intensity. Your body will hold onto the weight if you don't eat enough. Follow the 85% rule posted above :) It DOES work. Good luck