ahhh food pushers!!!



  • pannellkat
    pannellkat Posts: 709 Member
    Food pushers everywhere at my job. Biggest loser weigh in tomorrow and I had brownies and cake at my desk when I got to work...they cannot break me...good try though.
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    My husband and I visit his parents every weekend. His mom is 82 and loves to cook and eat. Every single time we go she insists on sending loads of food home with us. Lasagna, noodles, meatloaf. Last week she sent us home with 3 bags of food. We tell her we can't eat it all; we tell her no. It makes no difference.

    We came home last week and threw everything away but the garden lettuce and onions. I felt horrible doing this because it is wasteful - but I won't eat all that fatty stuff.

    Have decided that since she is pretty much house-bound that giving us food makes her feel that she is taking care of us. I just wish she would show her love in another way. Our next visit is July 4th and I'm dreading the leave-taking and all the stuff she'll want to send us home with.

    it makes her feel special though. i would ask for extra, and then just toss it. i know it is wasteful, but her spirit is more important to me than the waste of food.
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    Super idea.
    What a great way to help someone out, and not waste food.
    I HATE wasted food... ESPECIALLY yummy food. haha.

    My husband and I visit his parents every weekend. His mom is 82 and loves to cook and eat. Every single time we go she insists on sending loads of food home with us. Lasagna, noodles, meatloaf. Last week she sent us home with 3 bags of food. We tell her we can't eat it all; we tell her no. It makes no difference.

    We came home last week and threw everything away but the garden lettuce and onions. I felt horrible doing this because it is wasteful - but I won't eat all that fatty stuff.

    Have decided that since she is pretty much house-bound that giving us food makes her feel that she is taking care of us. I just wish she would show her love in another way. Our next visit is July 4th and I'm dreading the leave-taking and all the stuff she'll want to send us home with.

    I would feel bad throwing all kinds of food that an 82 year old woman has cooked for me. I understand she won't take no. That's hard. You have to take it.

    Just a thought.:flowerforyou:

    There must be somewhere/someone you can drop the food off to?
    Friends, neighbours, street people, hostels.?

    Reason I mentioned it, sounds like it will never end. She'll give you food, that you don't want.
    You'll feel better if you know someone is going to eat her food.
    Make a plan of where your going to take it, and then everytime you visit and leave with food you can take it to that special place.

    aw i just read this, do this instead. i worked at a drop-in centre for homeless individuals, and trust me, those people can EAT. so even if they have enough, they will use it up, and by people who will really appreciate it.