Strict and determined but not losing

I started gaining weight ten years ago when I had an extreme career change. I was a dancer, became a writer so went from lots of physical exercise to none practically over night. I put on around 100lbs over 8 years. I have never eaten excessively but the weight steadily came on. In the past two years I have tried numerous weight loss programs with varying degrees of success. But no matter how strict i've always struggled to lose.

Aug last year I decided to lose the weight by upping my exercise levels as the only time I have been slim was when I worked out A LOT. So I joined the gym and started calorie counting. I did a low cal/low carb program for 5 months. It was just 900 calories a day, very low carb and ketogenic. I slowly built up my exercise to my current program of 2 hours of fitness classes a day. I lost 40lbs over 6 months, but then stopped losing. I also started getting dizzy in class and my energy levels were low. With no loss for 6 weeks I went and saw a nutritionist. She said I was putting my heart and other organs at risk by working out so much on such low calories. So over the past 3 weeks I have slowly upped my calories to 1250 and added some wholemeal carbs to my diet. This week I have gained 4lbs. I'm at my wits end and have no idea where to go from here.

On a positive note I am noticing physical improvements with all the working out, but I need to lose a lot of weight and I'm not losing any!

Any advice gratefully received.


  • Gwoman2012
    Gwoman2012 Posts: 163 Member
    You did 900 calories a day for FIVE MONTHS. You've been at 1250 for THREE weeks. Your body hasn't adjusted yet. Of course you are going to gain some weight initially from adding more calories and carbs to your body. Give it time and get off the scale for awhile.
  • cowgirlslikeus86
    cowgirlslikeus86 Posts: 597 Member
    There are alot of threads in the forums on this subject. You can use key words to search them out.
    One thing that happens when you under eat is that your metabolisim slows down. This happened to me when I did the HCG diet. Huge mistake. The problem is I did it 3 seperate times. I lost 10-15lbs then gained it all back plus about 10 more, every time. Even when I was trying to maintain afterwards, I still gained weight.
    I have not done that diet since last summer and I have noticed in the last couple months that my metabolisim is picking up again.
    Your body might gain weight initially but after an adjustment period, you'll lose again. Consider putting the scale away for 3 weeks or so. also, search out calorie cycling or zig-zagging calories. This too might help you. Best of luck!

  • cowgirlslikeus86
    cowgirlslikeus86 Posts: 597 Member
    You gained 4lbs a week... that means you ate your maintance calories which is probably about 1750 per day plus 14,000.
    You ate a total of 26,250 calories for this week. Or 3,750 calories per day.. that's a lot of food.

    I think what he means is it's not fat weight. It's just water and it will come off eventually. That's why I suggest putting the scale away for a couple weeks.
  • roxerella
    roxerella Posts: 80 Member
    Yes, you're right I should step off the scales. But I'm scared that I'll get rid of the scales and all the weight will pile back on! I'm going to ask my boyfriend to hide them, at least for 2 weeks and see how I go.
  • MrsT99
    MrsT99 Posts: 148 Member
    Sorry you friended me yesterday and the first thing I noticed was I've never seen anyone's net calories so low. I'm even more concerned that you've just increased them what you were doing before.

    You ate 1294 and burned 1245, that's a NET of 49 calories for the whole day - not nearly enough to keep losing for long and horribly unhealthy! I saw someone post great day on that diary and part of me sank a little.

    Eat. More. No wonder you're exhausted and your body is clinging onto what weight it can. You need to fuel your body, and your body needs at least your BMR to function properly.

    1200 is the very lowest anyone should net according to this site. There is debate about eating back exercise calories on this site but most who don't eat them back also would not be burning nearly the amount that you are in a day.

    Sorry if I'm being blunt. Feel free to remove me again if you don't like me!
  • roxerella
    roxerella Posts: 80 Member
    Sorry you friended me yesterday and the first thing I noticed was I've never seen anyone's net calories so low. I'm even more concerned that you've just increased them what you were doing before.

    You ate 1294 and burned 1245, that's a NET of 49 calories for the whole day - not nearly enough to keep losing for long and horribly unhealthy! I saw someone post great day on that diary and part of me sank a little.

    Eat. More. No wonder you're exhausted and your body is clinging onto what weight it can. You need to fuel your body, and your body needs at least your BMR to function properly.

    1200 is the very lowest anyone should net according to this site. There is debate about eating back exercise calories on this site but most who don't eat them back also would not be burning nearly the amount that you are in a day.

    Sorry if I'm being blunt. Feel free to remove me again if you don't like me!

    Don't be silly, I don't find you blunt at all. I asked for peoples opinion because I want to hear it! I think I have eaten so little for so long that I really have no idea what is 'normal' anymore. I'm sure my body is all over the place.

    I have never considered eating the exercise calories, as that seems to defeat the object of exercising? Also I presumed that the calculations on here were way out. Surely after months of following an exercise regime your body adjusts and does not burn so much?

    I certainly don't want to do anything that is dangerous! But I should add that since upping my calories and adding some carbs I haven't had any dizzy spells and my energy levels are much higher. I honestly don't think I have ever eaten anywhere near 1750 calories a day, and I'm sure if I did I would balloon.

    Im starting to think that something is seriously wrong. Maybe a hormone imbalance or something. I have tried to get help from m doctor in the past and been fobbed off, but I'm going to try again. Not really sure what to do for the time being though. Ho Hum.

    Thank you all for your comments. It seems I live in Lala Land.
  • brendacs21
    brendacs21 Posts: 180 Member
    IM NOT AN EXPERT but ive read several threads on this before. (people doing very low calorie and then upping it) I did something similar but it was 1200. I like you lost for about 20 lbs then got stuck . Then i upped it to 1600 (based on other websites) i gained like a pound and then got stuck for weeks on end. This whole time ive been working out as well at least 4-6 times a week . My friend suggested i buy a pedometer. I quickly realized i was putting in alot less steps than what i believed. Then i went to caloriecount,com and input my food. It broke it down and i realized i was getting way too much sodium. I started using the pedometer and cutting my sodium in half on monday and by weds morning i had lost 4.4 lbs! i couldnt believe it . it had been weeks id either gain or stay the same and then in 2 days boom! I say the sodium was a big thing. check how much u are getting.
  • roxerella
    roxerella Posts: 80 Member
    IM NOT AN EXPERT but ive read several threads on this before. (people doing very low calorie and then upping it) I did something similar but it was 1200. I like you lost for about 20 lbs then got stuck . Then i upped it to 1600 (based on other websites) i gained like a pound and then got stuck for weeks on end. This whole time ive been working out as well at least 4-6 times a week . My friend suggested i buy a pedometer. I quickly realized i was putting in alot less steps than what i believed. Then i went to caloriecount,com and input my food. It broke it down and i realized i was getting way too much sodium. I started using the pedometer and cutting my sodium in half on monday and by weds morning i had lost 4.4 lbs! i couldnt believe it . it had been weeks id either gain or stay the same and then in 2 days boom! I say the sodium was a big thing. check how much u are getting.

    Hi Brenda,

    Thank you for your comment. I did a sodium breakdown last week and it was quite low. I have been wandering if I should be upping my sodium as I sweat out so much in the gym, but I don't think low sodium levels can cause a plateau? With regards to the pedometer, I do pump and spin class most days and Zumba, power yoga and swimming in between so not really based on steps. I might get one just to keep track of my activity levels in between work outs though.

    I hope your losing well now.
  • MrsT99
    MrsT99 Posts: 148 Member
    IM NOT AN EXPERT but ive read several threads on this before. (people doing very low calorie and then upping it) I did something similar but it was 1200. I like you lost for about 20 lbs then got stuck . Then i upped it to 1600 (based on other websites) i gained like a pound and then got stuck for weeks on end. This whole time ive been working out as well at least 4-6 times a week . My friend suggested i buy a pedometer. I quickly realized i was putting in alot less steps than what i believed. Then i went to caloriecount,com and input my food. It broke it down and i realized i was getting way too much sodium. I started using the pedometer and cutting my sodium in half on monday and by weds morning i had lost 4.4 lbs! i couldnt believe it . it had been weeks id either gain or stay the same and then in 2 days boom! I say the sodium was a big thing. check how much u are getting.

    Hi Brenda,

    Thank you for your comment. I did a sodium breakdown last week and it was quite low. I have been wandering if I should be upping my sodium as I sweat out so much in the gym, but I don't think low sodium levels can cause a plateau? With regards to the pedometer, I do pump and spin class most days and Zumba, power yoga and swimming in between so not really based on steps. I might get one just to keep track of my activity levels in between work outs though.

    I hope your losing well now.

    I'm a little confused by what Brenda is saying. I have my sodium counted on here as one of my macros I don't know why you need to visit elsewhere. Sodium (salt content) generally makes you retain water so its usually something people want to avoid.

    I know MFP might be not super accurate, so many people for the sake of not wanting to overeat the exercise calories will eat back 50-60% of them. I think with the extent of your exercise it is important to get sufficient fuel. :smile:
  • brendacs21
    brendacs21 Posts: 180 Member
    IM NOT AN EXPERT but ive read several threads on this before. (people doing very low calorie and then upping it) I did something similar but it was 1200. I like you lost for about 20 lbs then got stuck . Then i upped it to 1600 (based on other websites) i gained like a pound and then got stuck for weeks on end. This whole time ive been working out as well at least 4-6 times a week . My friend suggested i buy a pedometer. I quickly realized i was putting in alot less steps than what i believed. Then i went to caloriecount,com and input my food. It broke it down and i realized i was getting way too much sodium. I started using the pedometer and cutting my sodium in half on monday and by weds morning i had lost 4.4 lbs! i couldnt believe it . it had been weeks id either gain or stay the same and then in 2 days boom! I say the sodium was a big thing. check how much u are getting.

    Hi Brenda,

    Thank you for your comment. I did a sodium breakdown last week and it was quite low. I have been wandering if I should be upping my sodium as I sweat out so much in the gym, but I don't think low sodium levels can cause a plateau? With regards to the pedometer, I do pump and spin class most days and Zumba, power yoga and swimming in between so not really based on steps. I might get one just to keep track of my activity levels in between work outs though.

    I hope your losing well now.

    I'm a little confused by what Brenda is saying. I have my sodium counted on here as one of my macros I don't know why you need to visit elsewhere. Sodium (salt content) generally makes you retain water so its usually something people want to avoid.

    I know MFP might be not super accurate, so many people for the sake of not wanting to overeat the exercise calories will eat back 50-60% of them. I think with the extent of your exercise it is important to get sufficient fuel. :smile:

    To be quite honest i hadnt even looked to see if MFP had a sodium counter !!! ooops! i just did it on the other site since a friend suggested. I was eating btwn 3500-4000mg of sodium daily -yikes! Im now 1300-1500mg. most of it was due to frozen foods and cheese!
  • lornathewizzard
    lornathewizzard Posts: 165 Member
    I started gaining weight ten years ago when I had an extreme career change. I was a dancer, became a writer so went from lots of physical exercise to none practically over night. I put on around 100lbs over 8 years. I have never eaten excessively but the weight steadily came on. In the past two years I have tried numerous weight loss programs with varying degrees of success. But no matter how strict i've always struggled to lose.

    Aug last year I decided to lose the weight by upping my exercise levels as the only time I have been slim was when I worked out A LOT. So I joined the gym and started calorie counting. I did a low cal/low carb program for 5 months. It was just 900 calories a day, very low carb and ketogenic. I slowly built up my exercise to my current program of 2 hours of fitness classes a day. I lost 40lbs over 6 months, but then stopped losing. I also started getting dizzy in class and my energy levels were low. With no loss for 6 weeks I went and saw a nutritionist. She said I was putting my heart and other organs at risk by working out so much on such low calories. So over the past 3 weeks I have slowly upped my calories to 1250 and added some wholemeal carbs to my diet. This week I have gained 4lbs. I'm at my wits end and have no idea where to go from here.

    On a positive note I am noticing physical improvements with all the working out, but I need to lose a lot of weight and I'm not losing any!

    Any advice gratefully received.

    Hi :)
    Firstly, kudos on hitting the exercise hard, good way to go about this. However, you need to be eating enough to fuel your body. I would suggest reading one of the many threads on tdee / bmr and have a look at the maths of it all. You burn a lot of calories a day just by 'being' (your BMR) and then you increase that by 'doing' (ie getting outta bed in the morning). If you were only eating 900 cals a day, you're not even anywhere near covering your 'being', and to be honest 1250 isn't really there either. Add to that your zumba etc then you are essentially asking your body to function on no or negative energy (calories = energy). So what your body will do is hold on to what ever fat / substance it can get, making weight loss exceedingly difficult to achieve and certainly maintain. When you first start to up your calories, the body still isn't sure that you are going to continue to give it enough energy, so it will continue to hold on to it. This is why you are not going to see results straight away and sometimes see gains, like you have experienced. You need to give your body time to adjust.

    Drink lots of water, make sure you are getting the right amount of calories (ie your net calories should be at or around your target, set your settings at 0.5 - 1 lb loss a week) and give it time. And tbh, I don't think that 'strict' is the way forward. You need to think of this as a lifestyle change - and are you seriously going to be strict on yourself every day for the rest of your life? Everything in moderation. :)
  • mimstero
    mimstero Posts: 119 Member
    First of all, you are not eating enough! And, I highly recommend getting a heart rate monitor. The machines at the gym and myfitnesspal really overestimate the amount of calories burned. I got one about four weeks ago, and it has made a huge difference.
  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    You probably slowed down your metabolism when you were eating such low calories for such a long time along with intense exercise. Think about how much of a shock that is for the body?! You lose weight initially but the stress on the body is great when you eat such few calories and exercise that hard. It begins to believe that you are starving and holds on to everything you have.

    It is going to take a good bit to repair your metabolism. Slowly up your calories to a more maintainable level (set MFP to 1 pound a week loss) but don't do it right away! SLOWLY go up, maybe go up a 100 calories for each week until you're at that mark.
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    my suggestion...and will be blunt, hope not to offend -

    STOP what you are doing.

    MFP has a very simple set-up to assist you with goals. USE THEM. Get your BMR. This is the minimum amount of Caloric intake your body needs. Average macros (percentages of nutrition) will be set up. One MAJOR note here. When doing your settings, LEAVE OUT THE EXERCISE when you base your activity level. Set your weight loss goal (max 2 pounds as suggested by the medical field is healthy). EAT THE CALORIES IT SAYS.

    As it pertains to exercise. Do you use an HRM? If so, log this and eat at least 85% of these back. If not. GET ONE. Do not count the over-estimates MFP uses for exercise. Not everyone's body burns the same. It will take about a week for your body to adjust...but it will.

    Good luck on your journey!
  • JimmyfromNYC
    JimmyfromNYC Posts: 35 Member
    OK from my own experience-You need to trick your body into losing fat. The best way to do this is by cycling (not bicycling) your diet. Firstly your calories are so low your body thinks its starving and will stubbornly hold every bit of fat it can. Heres what you need to do-Every two weeks switch between a very low calorie diet and a medium calorie diet. Low end should be about 1200-1500 taken in at least four meals no longer than 4 hours apart (except after 7PM to 6 AM, no food then) Each meal should consist of some protein and good fat(nuts, olive oil, avocado, fish). Try to eliminate white starchy carbs altogether. Stick to fruits and vegetables. Each of these meals should be between 300-400 calories. Do this for two weeks then go to medium cycle for two weeks of about 1800-2000. Same rules apply but either add one more meal or increase each of the four to 450-500. Drink plenty of water at regular intervals throughout the day. If you can, break down your exercise into two smaller workouts twice a day, 1 morning, 1 later in the day. If you follow these rules I guarantee you will lose weight. Jim
  • iwantahealthierme13
    iwantahealthierme13 Posts: 337 Member
    if you're close to your period it's bloat (retaining water) just two days ago, I was 185.5, today I'm 190.
  • ShawnDMuth
    ShawnDMuth Posts: 270 Member
    It is probably time for a deep cleanse to reset your metabolism.
  • jackiecroberts
    jackiecroberts Posts: 115 Member
    Your body is saying "thank you" for the extra calories. Give it a while for your body to adjust and keep nourishing your body with good fuel.
    TOYGRRRL Posts: 251 Member
    Please read the following forum post and look at the pictures. Using only your scale to gauge you loss or fitness is not enough. Take measurements and photos. Throw that scale into the back of your closet and only take it out once a week at the most.
  • hcglindsey
    hcglindsey Posts: 37 Member
    maybe focus more on nutrition and less on calorie restriction....your body may be holding on to its fat because its not getting enough good fat and protein? You must be building muscle with all that exercise( prob the weight gain) try to eat gluten free carbs so you dont bloat....and maybe some probiotics if your not taking any.
  • kser145
    kser145 Posts: 40
  • roxerella
    roxerella Posts: 80 Member
    Thank you all for your contributions. I'm taking it all on board. I've bought a heart rate monitor to train with and I'm going to gradually increase my calories over the next couple of months. Weigh day tomorrow. Interested to see if the 4lbs of water or whatever it was has gone. I had a couple of days off the training as was a bank holiday weekend, so no classes sat/sun and only one on mon.

    I'm pretty good with the 'good fats' I eat oily fish at least 5 times a week, usually more and I often have half an avocado with my lunch. I took a full course of probiotics recently so my stomach flora should be healthy and happy.

    Also worth noting I don't feel hungry or mal nourished at all. I feel 100% better since I upped my calories from 900 to 1250 . Still not sure about eating back the exercise calories. Going to speak to my nutritionist about that. It seems to defeat the object of exercising to a degree?