Hi New Member in Colorado

Hi Everyone,
I just joined MFP. I Have about 150lbs to lose, and I am considering bariatric surgery. One of the things I have to do is a food diary, so being a techie, geek, and all around nerd I DL this cool iPad app with some great reviews...and here I am.

I am a retired Airborne and Mechanized US Army infantryman currently working an IT desk job (dont ask how I went from shooting people to IT unless you have some time and a bag pf popcorn!)

Well, over the last 5 years or so, wife got sick, added a couple of kids to the house, and I became pretty much a single parent (wife is sick most of the time so I have to do most of...well..everything around the house)

... 100lbs later add high blood pressure, cholesterol, triglicerides, diabetes, throw in lots of pain from jumping out of airplanes and carrying 95lbs of gear over god's green earth (limits exercise), a hell of a lot of stress and here I am looking at bariatric surgery.

Enough about me! I am trying to make some changes, keep a diary, and have some fun along the way...
If anyone ever needs help with their computer drop me a line!

Otherwise, looking forward to being active here, and IRL if I can. I have already learned much from reviewing the forums.


  • hanna1210
    hanna1210 Posts: 286 Member
    Welcome! And take a look at the groups - we have a pretty solid one for people in Colorado, "Mile High MFP"
  • wilson2425
    wilson2425 Posts: 3
    Welcome to you! I can undestand a little of your pain: I lost 100 pounds a few years ago, but work a sedentary desk job and gained like half of it back. Keeping the food diary is one of the best steps you can take, so you've got a great start!