Back fat



  • lucillavea
    lucillavea Posts: 6
    Monstergirl... I have been using some back exercises found on the Body for Life site ( Under their tab "Library", they have a tab there called "Tools". There you can find "Exercise Animations" that show a variety of different exercises for different parts of the body (ie Legs, Arms, Shoulders etc) and includes some great exercises for the back. It's a nice resource... and I am sure you can tailor the exercises into a routine you like.

    I agree with many of the posts... as you continue dropping the weight, the fat will come off as well. However, as I understand it, building muscle helps burn some of that fat too. So even though you may not see the muscle you are working out, simply building it will help shred some of that excess fat. I too struggle with that... have lost 40 lbs in the last 8 months... but perhaps most exciting is seeing the inches come off too... To date, I have lost an overall 18 inches coming from lots of places... including the back. Still have a long way to go, but am taking it one pound, one inch at a time.

    Hope that helps... sorry so long... good luck on the journey :)