My home made salsa recipe

I LOVE salsa. Both my husband and I do. Any and all attempt to make it at home has been a big, fat fail in the past. 2 weekends ago, I just happened to throw a few things together and came up with this tasty batch:

1 can Hunt's fire roasted tomatoes--Garlic
2 Jalapenos, seeded & ribs removed
1 Bunch Cilantro, as much as the stems off as possible.
1 small, yellow onion, diced
Juice of 1 lime
salt & pepper to taste

I only have a Magic bullet at home, so I do this in 2 batches(just half the recipe per blend). If you are lucky enough to have a food processor, you can likely throw every thing together at once.

Basically, all you are going to do is throw all ingredients into your blender or food processor and combine til it is a smooth-ish consistency, all ingredients mixed well. You can make it chunkier if you'd like. You can also leave the ribs & seeds in the jalapenos if you like it spicy.

It is best served the next day. It will be a brownish red colored salsa.

A couple ways to use it:
Dice an avocado, squeeze a lime wedge, hit it with a pinch of salt & top with salsa....super yummy snack.
Great with eggs in the morning as well.


  • cafeconleche
    i forgot to add that it is 51 calories per serving; this batch could easily be split between 4 people. sorry i don't have any exact measurements.