
So I started by downloading the app on my phone. I had enrolled in WW about 5 weeks ago and I hated it! I like seeing actual nutritional info, and calorie counts. Maybe I just wasn't utilizing my tools correctly, but I didn't lose any weight at all. Around the same time I joined the YMCA in my community and signed up for one of their trainers (I signed up for 6 sessions, 1 a week). To my surprise I actually started enjoying going to the gym! And that's how I ended up downloading the MFP app. I needed a better tool to keep track of workouts. I *kinda* used the app to track my food for a few weeks, but for some reason THIS week I just made it a goal. "Track everything you eat for 1 whole week." Almost to that 1 week mark! And I just discovered this online site. I'm trying to participate in different threads, but I still don't feel like I'm doing it right.
Is the point of MFP to just keep track of what you're eating, make healthy changes, and exercise? It kinda seems too easy.
I still haven't really seen any weight loss, and I see all these posts about people losing several pounds a week. Kind of discouraging. Although, I am enjoying my new hobby (the gym) and trying to stay under my daily food requirements.

So just to over-share some more....
My current "healthy changes" involve drinking green smoothies, trying to avoid the convienence of fast food & junk food, trying to drink a gallon of water a day (I've only gotten up to 3liters), eating every 3-4 hours, doing interval cardio at the gym (3x week for 15-40 minutes), doing 90 minute yoga sessions once a week, and strength training all muscle groups 3x week (that's the goal at least. It's usually only 2x a week).

SURELY all this will produce some results, right?!


  • cacastig
    cacastig Posts: 2 Member
    If you stick with it, definitely! It's great that you are enjoying working out, I think that is a big obstacle for people. If you hate going to the gym, you aren't going to keep going. And yes, it is just that easy! I didn't even really diet, just being more aware of what I was eating made a huge difference. Of course I don't stay under my calorie count every day, and I'll go a couple days without tracking, but the key is to not get discouraged by an off-day. Good luck!
  • TexasBridgett
    TexasBridgett Posts: 84 Member
    Thanks for replying! I am enjoying the gym. It doesn't hurt that my friends also go there, and I'm recently single so I get so bored at home in the evenings. I've stuck with it pretty strong for 5-6 weeks so I'm hoping it continues. I had a crappy day yesterday (studying for finals all day) and just felt so blah. I gathered my mopey butt up and headed to do some cardio. I only lasted about 17 minutes but I suppose that's better than just sitting around.
    I hope it really stays this easy. I want to be successful.
  • emilynicolewikel
    Hey! I'm new as well. Keep up the amazing work! My goal is to stick to being motivated. Once you're motivated enough, it usually falls into place, with some handwork of course. Good luck :)
  • TexasBridgett
    TexasBridgett Posts: 84 Member
    Thank you! Hoping my motivation sticks as well.
  • USArmy2012
    USArmy2012 Posts: 10
    Im new too feel free to add me
  • jenj1313
    jenj1313 Posts: 898 Member
    Keep doing what you're doing and you'll get results.
    Are you using MFP numbers or a heart rate monitor to calculate calories?
    For me, the MFP numbers are way higher than my heart rate monitor (a lot of people say this, so it's not just me).
    If you're using the MFP numbers and eating back your exercise calories, that might be part of why you're not losing weight. But then again, sometimes it just takes your body a while to adjust. Surely you're building muscle, which is a good thing!

    Good luck to you!
  • TexasBridgett
    TexasBridgett Posts: 84 Member
    I started out using the MFP numbers, but quickly learned that they were almost double what my calculations were. My trainer did mention that it could take several weeks for my body to adapt to all the new stuff so...hopefully it will! Thanks for the tips. :)
  • DesignGuy
    DesignGuy Posts: 457 Member
    Just take it slow and don't get discouraged. Your trainer is right in that your body will take time to reflect whatever you do. Grats on the water drinking. I got mine up to about 1 gallon a day a few weeks ago and can feel the difference in skin/etc.

    Anyway, if you ever need to add active people, drop me a line. I started about 21 days back and am here daily logging my food/exercise and throwing out some motivation.

    Good luck!