How to get into running...



  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    I haven't done it, but as many people have suggested, I've heard C25k is a great start for beginners. Also I'd suggest finding a way that you enjoy running. Personally I can only handle the treadmill for up to 20 min (on a good day) and I watch the timer, and just can't wait for it to end. But when I put my ipod on and run outside I can go a good 5 miles, sure it's tiring, but it's more natural and I'm not constantly thinking about how much I hate it. Another thing I like is listening to cadences while I run. I tend to want to use up all of my energy at once when I'm on a run that doesn't involve interval training and cadences help me to slow down and keep my jog at a steady pace when needed, allowing me to increase the length of my runs.

    Basically, find a way you enjoy it, and push yourself to get better, but don't overdo it either.
  • jsmith0644
    jsmith0644 Posts: 66 Member
    I ran for years in the Marine Corps 3, 6 , and 10 miles, but we won't start there. First let me tell you, when I started running all those years ago I hated it,now I wish I had never stopped. Here's what I do now that I havenot done it for years. Run for 1 minute and walk for 1:30. Do that for a half hour session and raise the bar whenever you can. I won't even count it until I can run 3 miles in 24 minutes. Then I'll start counting it, thats my reward for the achievement. Hope that makes sense. BTW, my goal 16:45, I may never run that fast again but I'm going to try.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Couch to 5k worked great for me. I was never a runner, but started the program Jan 31st, and followed it religiously. I'm still running 3 days per week, anywhere from 2 - 5 miles depending on what else I am doing that day and how I feel.

    I just registered for my first 5k race! :bigsmile:
  • TrueBlueBruin78
    TrueBlueBruin78 Posts: 311 Member
    First I started by walking almost everyday for two months with a daily goal of four miles. Then I set a goal of covering two miles because that was a known distance between my home and a local landmark. I tried running as much of it as I could and walked the rest. I did that 5x/week for weeks with very gradual increments of .25-.5 miles. After a few months my longer runs started increasing by one mile every couple of weeks. It all started with "I'll try this,,,". If I didn't hate it, I'd keep doing it or gradually pushing myself.

    That is the way to start. I suggest what this poster did, do what you can but you have to try, always trying to finish better than when you started.
  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    Look on the net to find a local 5K race that's about 10-11 weeks from now. Register for it. Now you have motivation and a goal.
    Then get fitted for good running shoes at a store, it's worth the time and money.
    Download the C25K app. Do it. I added a week or two to it, because of illnesses and vacation and bad days, or life in general. You might have to repeat a week or two, but the time is still built in. Try to run outside if you can. It's much more enjoyable than running on the treadmill. Don't let the longer days psych you out. Just go slow and do it.
    For the record, I started C25K in January 2011, ran my first 5K in March in 2011 (when I still had a few weeks left to go on the program), finished the C25K in late April/early May. I run 5Ks all the time now, and run 3-4 miles a day 4 or 5 days a week. It's a great way to get into running.
  • michellexoxo90
    Thanks so much everyone that posted on this! I never thought so many people would offer advise(: I just want to let everyone know I have decided on the couch to 5k! I bought the app for my phone and did my first day this evening!!! Is it embarrassing to say it was actually a little difficult for me? Haha I did it though... the whole thing and I feel so good!!!! That's always my favorite thing after working out, just how good I feel! Also I took some advise I got on here and bought some Asic running shoes and so far I love them! Thanks so much everyone I really appreciate it(: Also I am new here if anyone wants to be my "running," friend(: