Could a scale be wrong?



  • bacitracin
    bacitracin Posts: 921 Member
    So ? my scale gives me a weight other scales won't. Does your gives you the right one over the nutritionist one ?
    Why your weight should be the true one at 8 am, and the one a 10 am should be the false one. We just need to track changes, and use fixed pointers, that's the only way

    Well, if two scales give you different weights... THEN AT LEAST ONE IS WRONG. That's basic deductive reasoning, dude. Try to keep up, here. If you can't realize that scales can be wrong, no one should ever take advice from you, ever.

    At the very least, people, get some freaking body calipers, lol. Track your BF% instead of your weight.
  • PercivalHackworth
    PercivalHackworth Posts: 1,437 Member
    So ? my scale gives me a weight other scales won't. Does your gives you the right one over the nutritionist one ?
    Why your weight should be the true one at 8 am, and the one a 10 am should be the false one. We just need to track changes, and use fixed pointers, that's the only way

    Well, if two scales give you different weights... THEN AT LEAST ONE IS WRONG. That's basic deductive reasoning, dude. Try to keep up, here. If you can't realize that scales can be wrong, no one should ever take advice from you, ever.

    At the very least, people, get some freaking body calipers, lol. Track your BF% instead of your weight.

    I get what you mean bacitracin, maybe using a third scale, and get the average of the two that are the most close ?
    As for calipers, an error margin up to 200 % exists, depending on how the person using them is skilled.
    DEXA seems a good way (supposing bone mineral content is directly proportional to the amount of photon energy absorbed by the bones)

    Measures seem a good start in the end (easier to apply)
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    So ? my scale gives me a weight other scales won't. Does your gives you the right one over the nutritionist one ?
    Why your weight should be the true one at 8 am, and the one a 10 am should be the false one. We just need to track changes, and use fixed pointers, that's the only way

    Well, if two scales give you different weights... THEN AT LEAST ONE IS WRONG. That's basic deductive reasoning, dude. Try to keep up, here. If you can't realize that scales can be wrong, no one should ever take advice from you, ever.

    At the very least, people, get some freaking body calipers, lol. Track your BF% instead of your weight.

    Geez no need to be so rude,. I think he means that if there is a downward trend you are doing it right.
    PS calipers... aussies don't even use them anymore.. you know why? cause they can be the most inaccurate thing even when done by a professional. both my teachers are trained to using them and got a 5% difference between the both of them. Sigh just use a tape measure.. that thing never lies *except stay away from it at TOTM*
  • BandedTriaRN
    BandedTriaRN Posts: 303
    you really need to stop worrying about the numbers so much... weighing all over the house and such. Just leave the scale in one spot. Weigh first thing in the morning wearing as little as possible (naked would be great) and just leave the scale along for a week. Don't eat or drink before weighing and make sure you urinate first! Then leave the scale along for a WEEK (ya, impossible for me most of the time too lol) and then see how much you have lost! Don't let them scale make you "lose it"(I know, easier said than done). You honestly will feel better if you don't freak out over the scale!
  • PercivalHackworth
    PercivalHackworth Posts: 1,437 Member
    you really need to stop worrying about the numbers so much... weighing all over the house and such. Just leave the scale in one spot. Weigh first thing in the morning wearing as little as possible (naked would be great) and just leave the scale along for a week. Don't eat or drink before weighing and make sure you urinate first! Then leave the scale along for a WEEK (ya, impossible for me most of the time too lol) and then see how much you have lost! Don't let them scale make you "lose it"(I know, easier said than done). You honestly will feel better if you don't freak out over the scale!

    Agree. Truth is you may be using the broken scale in the first place. Maybe mine is broken since the beginning.
    But if my broken scale presents a difference across time, I know for sure the weight has changed.
    The last time I tried one another, I was 4 lbs lighter than mine. Question is : did I gained weight meanwhile (I went to the nutritionist, ran, and drink a bit, so quite possible) or his scale was broken. We'll never know...
  • PayShi
    PayShi Posts: 55 Member
    I've been kind of obsessing about this too because I'm paying really close attention to my calorie intake and daily weight as it helps me stay very motivated (to each his own however!) So, I bought one of the Weight Watcher scales because I liked that it counted your fat % and etc.
    Anywho, I've noticed even on this brand new scale is you've got to evenly distribute your weight on the scale. I weighed several times one morning and it varied by 6 pounds because of my feet positioning being different every time. Also, I recommend weighing when you get up after using the bathroom and before eating. I was weighing at night and it would appear to be off especially if I did actually consume quite a bit of food.
    But every scale varies I've found. The doctor's says one thing and my grandmother's says another. But I agree with Razique that it don't really matter if it's broken. It'll still reflect any differences in weight. If you are sincerely worried about it... go weigh at Wal-mart on the brand new scales and see if it's anywhere NEAR your scale. I'd only start worrying however if my scale told me something drastically different every time I weighed (like -20 lbs in a week or +20 in a week.) I think your scale is fine if it weighed your sugar only 1 lb off. So, don't worry. I think you're good. Just trial and error with it!
    Good luck!