The journey of thin lean turning into big and mean!

se015 Posts: 583 Member
Okay people, I'm back on here! I decided on a new approach to accomplishing my goal. Starting Monday, I'm going to start the P 90X. This will get me conditioned and strong. Once I finish the entire P 90X (without slacking) I will start hitting weights. Some think this is a bad idea and others agree with this idea. Still trying to work on the eating part; can't eat too much fat, but desparetly need to consume high amounts of protein and calories. Any comments or support to this post is encouraged and welcome!


  • Meggles63
    Meggles63 Posts: 916 Member
    Good luck! I did P90x and really focused on the weights, so you can start your lifting experience with those workouts. As far as food intake, I burned a sh@#load of cals. doing it, so don't be afraid to feed the fire.
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    There is a phenomena (not really a phenomena) that allows newbie lifters to gain a lot of muscle fairly quickly for up to a few months. This only happens one time and does not last long. I wish I would have taken better advantage of this when I started. I dont know if starting with a strength and conditioning program instead of going straight to a muscle building program will effect this but it may be something you should consider.

    If I could do it over again I would start with the weightlifting bulk for a few months and then use something like P90x to cut and condition.