Weight Watcher member needs help

Teachmisskim Posts: 17 Member
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
Ok, so I've been on WW since 2005, made goal in 2007 and since then I've still attended the meetings, weighed in each week but I have gained 25 of those pounds back...which is why I am here. I now meet with a personal trainer 2/3 days a week and work out on my own the rest at the gym. I am very dedicated to losing this extra baggage and my trainer has got me to count calories instead of my normal WW points. Every week I focus on what the scale is saying and even during my stay with WW, I found myself really not knowing the whole parts of foods (ie. fats, carbs, protein, portions) because all I've ever had to do was count the points.

I feel more free to eat what I want and look at the entire package of the food since I've begun counting calories. My trainer told me yesterday that I need to make a fitness goal rather than a scale goal because my focus on the scale is hurting my success at this time. But the hard part is....WW is ALL about the scale pretty much...you have to weigh every week....lifetime with WW is based on a weight...everything...weight...weight...weight. Dont' get me wrong they concentrate on food and how it makes you feel and if it wasn't for them I would have never lost the weight in the first place but I think a big focus is on the scale.

I love my WW leader and she even said to me today, after I told her what my trainer said...she told me to weigh in once a month that way I won't look at the scale as much as how I am feeling overall.

Here's my delema (did I spell that right?): Ok, so I'm paying monthly for my gym membership, trainer fees, and WW but I am not even following the WW point system anymore. I will always keep my gym and my trainer is my savior but will I be ok without WW? It's been that part of my life for almost 5 years now. It has changed my life and I am more active and a better eater than I've ever been. My fear is that I will never be able to get away from WW in fear that I will go back to where I used to be 86lbs ago! But I also want to know I can do this without having to concentrate on that scale each week. I pay them monthly to use there scale pretty much! Does that make sense?

Any advice would be GREATLY appreciated!:ohwell:


  • slimmingmom
    slimmingmom Posts: 297
    Maybe after being with them after 5 years you need some change! I know WW may have helped you lose the 86 pounds...but YOU were the one to lose them. WW wasn't the one who actually burnt those calories for you and lost all that weight. That tells me that you are more than capable of losing all on your own. It may be scary at first...but maybe what you need is a fresh start. Maybe going at it alone will help you be more determined knowing that you can do it on your own. I'm not sure how much WW is but I have a Curves membership which is awsome because I get to work out, and once a month they weigh you and take your measurments! Maybe you can look into that so you can still have that almost 1 on 1 thing where it's not just you seeing the scale...someone else will still be able to also. Sorry to just keep going on and on...hopefully i've helped in some way or another.
  • Congrates on your weight loss!!!!

    I'm a lifetime member of WW and I don't know the last time I've been to a meeting.
    I may go back one day (once I have my weight where I want it to be), I know that sounds ironic but for me that's what I know I need. I loved the points system when I was using it but I found that you could still eat crappy with that system. I want to eat healthy foods and with WW I was starting to look at things like cheese & nuts as evil. I know with WW I can have them, but it was how I was starting to view food that was changing and for me I didn't like it. Like I said I know it's a great program & I reached goal with them but for now I'm not just focused on the number on the scale...I want to be healthy & fit first.

    So my 2 cents is not to go to WW (for say 3 - 6 months & then reassess where you are). In the meantime pick a fitness goal...maybe run a 10k or a half marathon.
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    Ok, so I've been on WW since 2005, made goal in 2007 and since then I've still attended the meetings, weighed in each week but I have gained 25 of those pounds back...which is why I am here. I now meet with a personal trainer 2/3 days a week and work out on my own the rest at the gym. I am very dedicated to losing this extra baggage and my trainer has got me to count calories instead of my normal WW points. Every week I focus on what the scale is saying and even during my stay with WW, I found myself really not knowing the whole parts of foods (ie. fats, carbs, protein, portions) because all I've ever had to do was count the points.

    I feel more free to eat what I want and look at the entire package of the food since I've begun counting calories. My trainer told me yesterday that I need to make a fitness goal rather than a scale goal because my focus on the scale is hurting my success at this time. But the hard part is....WW is ALL about the scale pretty much...you have to weigh every week....lifetime with WW is based on a weight...everything...weight...weight...weight. Dont' get me wrong they concentrate on food and how it makes you feel and if it wasn't for them I would have never lost the weight in the first place but I think a big focus is on the scale.

    I love my WW leader and she even said to me today, after I told her what my trainer said...she told me to weigh in once a month that way I won't look at the scale as much as how I am feeling overall.

    Here's my delema (did I spell that right?): Ok, so I'm paying monthly for my gym membership, trainer fees, and WW but I am not even following the WW point system anymore. I will always keep my gym and my trainer is my savior but will I be ok without WW? It's been that part of my life for almost 5 years now. It has changed my life and I am more active and a better eater than I've ever been. My fear is that I will never be able to get away from WW in fear that I will go back to where I used to be 86lbs ago! But I also want to know I can do this without having to concentrate on that scale each week. I pay them monthly to use there scale pretty much! Does that make sense?

    Any advice would be GREATLY appreciated!:ohwell:

    Over the years I've been a Weight Watchers member too. But, I always regained the weight, so I wouldn't go back for quite awhile, and then just do the same thing again and again. :grumble:
    Since finding MFP about 14 months ago, I was able to lose the weight that I wanted fairly easily! I can't say enough good about MFP. IT REALLY, REALLY, DOES work!!! :love:
    I WON'T suggest that you give up W.W., but, I sure didn't need it to lose MY weight! :noway:
    Between the easy to use food counter (which by the way is SUCH an eye opener!) and all the wonderfully supportive members, you WILL be able to lose the weight that you want to, AND, it'll "almost" be easy doing it! :wink:
    I recommend logging ALL your foods BEFORE you have them, rather than later, as it tends to lead to better food choices. (not to mention you'll know if you've got enough numbers left to have a night time snack, like I ALWAYS try to do!) Some people also like to weigh and measure some things, such as meats, rather than just estimating and possibly being WAY off! :noway:
    Don't go making the mistake that if you have LOTS of numbers left at the end of the day that you'll lose even faster, because that DOESN'T happen. Feel free to read any info about the site in the "help" section at the top of the home page. And also, under "all topics", then "general", and check out the first few threads. They'll really help you understand how MFP works. :smile:
    Before coming here, I had tried just about EVERYTHING out there, including hypnosis, TWICE, and nothing really worked until MFP! :love:
    Also, drink LOTS of water, it REALLY DOES help! :drinker:
  • kbunger
    kbunger Posts: 2 Member
    I was a weight watcher member and lost my initial weight with them a year ago. The issue I had with WW is that it's not a lifestyle, it's a definite diet that has rules and guidelines. About 10 pounds started creeping back on and I started using MFP and have loved it. The weight has been coming off slowly but that is the only permanent way to lose weight. There are free WW point calculators online you can use and sometimes I pick a random day out of food log and calculate the points just to compare. If you follow MFP you will definitly lose the weight.
  • lesliemk
    lesliemk Posts: 382 Member
    I did WW several years ago and lost 20 pounds relatively easily, but I became obsessed w/ the scale. I felt it was very unhealthy for me. In the end I just couldn't shred the last five pounds and I was trying to get ideas from my leader and how to lose them. She suggested I cut sugar, add more exercise, etc..., but the points system really lets you get lazy in terms of actually watching what you eat. I like MFP b/c I can track sugar, fiber, fat, etc... and I enjoy knowing exactly what is going in my body. I think looking at calories is just more sensible than points IMHO.

    I think you'd be fine w/o WW. Try it here for a few weeks and see what you think. Perhaps you can arrange for your personal trainer to browse your weekly meal plans and their associated cals, fat, etc.. and she can give you some additional ideas on how to tweak your diet to best fit YOU!
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I have never been on WW. I have lost all of my weight just with MFP. I am religious about logging my food and exercise, and I have a support group on here. I am very much healthier, not even looking at the scale. My family is amazed how much more energy that I have since changing the food that I was eating. I don't even think that I have cut my calories that much, admittedly some, but it is the food choices that I am making, looking at the whole picture. I feel like I can eat what I want, and usually want to eat the right thing, as the old junk food just doesn't taste as good any more.
    I even think that it won't be too hard to keep the weight off when I am done, since I have become habitual about making smart choices, and exercising. (I personally don't eat my exercise calories, but many do and it works for them.) I am wondering what it will feel like to increase my eating to a maintenance level, but I don't have to worry about that for a while!
    Do what you want, but I think MFP will be a good enough guide and support for you. And congratulations on your weight loss! Here's to smart choices!
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