Discouraged a little...



  • Una5803
    Una5803 Posts: 1
    You can tell and that's all that really matters. Keep it up.
  • yoouperh
    yoouperh Posts: 68 Member
    First, way to go on your success! AMAZING! second, people do get jealous, and it makes so sense in the end because if they are unhappy, they have the same shot as anyone else to make the change in their lives. But if they don't give you a compliment, it's for the best. I had a member of my family give me a compliment that sounded so insincere. I just looked at her funny and walked away. I wasn't going to let her make me feel like my accomplishments were anything short of amazing!
  • Narisong
    Narisong Posts: 191
    I didn't tell any of my husband's family that I was working on losing weight. We started in July and no one noticed until January after about 65 or so lbs. It really helped me to have a starting picture (very few pictures of me because I hate having my pic taken) and then comparing it to a more recent one my hubby took. I realized I could tell a huge difference so either they were just really unobservant or didn't want to say anything in case I really wasn't trying to lose weight.
  • melodys_attic
    melodys_attic Posts: 114 Member
    The most important thing we can do is love and congratulate ourselves. It has to be about us, not about what other people see or think. At first people said things to me, but it's stopped now. once in a while someone will say something like "that colour looks really good on you" and I think it's probably not the colour but that I've lost weight. Sometimes I'm not sure people know what is different, They'll say "nice haircut" when I don't have a new haircut. haha. And it's true that a lot of people are so conscious these days of body issues that they are afraid to say anything. I prefer if people don't say anything actually. But it looks like you are doing great and I'll bet you look FANTASTIC! Hang in there :)
  • cherbapp
    cherbapp Posts: 322
    I think it's a combination of weirdness... :)

    My husband lost 40 pounds, and I had lost 49 when we were at a party with tons of people we hadn't seen in months...and everyone said he looked great...like he lost weight...blah blah blah...and I am standing RIGHT THERE...wanting to yell...HEY I lost MORE! LOL

    Anyway, our theory is...he went from overweight to great shape...he is at his goal weight, but I went from really fat to kinda fat. People just aren't SURE I lost weight...and who want's to get into a weight conversation with a WOMAN?? LOL I think people are more afraid they are wrong if they say something to a girl....guys are totally fine with "NOPE didn't lose a thing!" if someone questioned them...women are scary. Haha!

    Also, I think it has more to do with a percentage of loss...5%, even 10% is kinda hard to see on a really heavy person...20%...you see that! I am just a hair from 20% and people have just begun to say something. I really think people hesitate to ask or comment until they are SURE! :)
  • mdj1501
    mdj1501 Posts: 392 Member
    Awesome loss... keep up the good work. :flowerforyou:
  • Devyns_mom
    Devyns_mom Posts: 22
    maybe they feel like they may offend you in some way if they make any comment about your weight... but I wouldnt let it discourage you.. if you have lost all the weight you have already then you know you are doing an awesome job! so keep up the good work and people will begin to notice =)
  • AshleyNStanley
    This is what helps me...ALOT!!!


    Like it says:


    I LOVE THIS!!!! :-)
  • mdcnwolf
    mdcnwolf Posts: 21 Member
    Just remember you are doing this for you, not us. Plus, most of us don't get to read the message boards often (that is my case any way). I am proud of you. You are doing great and are about 1/3 to your goal. Something to be having a celery and carrot party about. Keep up the stride, and smile.
  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    The most important thing we can do is love and congratulate ourselves. It has to be about us, not about what other people see or think. At first people said things to me, but it's stopped now. once in a while someone will say something like "that colour looks really good on you" and I think it's probably not the colour but that I've lost weight. Sometimes I'm not sure people know what is different, They'll say "nice haircut" when I don't have a new haircut. haha. And it's true that a lot of people are so conscious these days of body issues that they are afraid to say anything. I prefer if people don't say anything actually. But it looks like you are doing great and I'll bet you look FANTASTIC! Hang in there :)

    I've noticed something similar... people seem to be trying to figure out what it is that looks better, but they can't tell. (I can't blame them, sometimes I do the same about others' appearance.) So, I get complimented on new glasses when I get my hair cut, on my hair when I'm wearing contacts, asked if it's a new sweater when it's ancient...

    And like others have said, sometimes people are scared because of previous embarrassments. We all know the classic... "when are you due?" but there are people who lost weight because of illness or worries, some people who are just shy about their weight loss (and scared because they've had trouble keeping it off before) or the times you guess someone lost weight, but they're just wearing old, baggy, comfortable clothes, so what was meant as a compliment just makes them feel unhappy about what they think of as their "slob" clothes. One good thing about this... their lack of awareness means you aren't boring people by endlessly talking about your efforts to lose weight. ;-)
  • realme56
    realme56 Posts: 1,093 Member
    It took a while for folks to really notice and now that I have gone over 100# lost people really notice but are surprised when I include that start date of my journey. Find your happiness within and the external stuff will catch up with you.
    You are doing great!
  • Back2Basic
    Back2Basic Posts: 69 Member
    Some people don't want to say anything in case they're wrong. Imagine if you hadn't lost weight... you'd think they were saying you should. Plus if they haven't seen you in a while 1) they never thought your weight was enough of an issue to bring it up when there are other things to catch up on 2) They have no idea when you started losing weight. it would be awkward for them to bring it up if you dieted 2 years ago and have been the same since then!

    My goal is 150 too. Feel free to add me (anyone!)
  • colcoblue
    colcoblue Posts: 3
    Don't be discouraged, you are awesome! I bet you look a lot better and feel a lot better, perhaps some people are jealous or don't know what to say...
    I am where you were and just starting out, I have a skirt that I can't wait to get into, and that will make me happy. Don't worry about what other people say or don't say, just set yourself goals that will make you happy. You have done an amazing job already, keep up the good work, your weight loss is an incentive for people like me!!
  • ailiel
    ailiel Posts: 18 Member
    Only the people who know I'm trying to lose weight have noticed. But I believe when I see people I don't see every day (not coworkers, close friends, or close family!) they will notice. I hope!

    Part of it is that I haven't bought new clothes yet. Still not quite into the clothes I have hoarded from my thinner times, but all the clothes I stretched to the max on the way up are much too loose now. I am planning on buying a few new things this week but NOT pants.
  • wndnls
    wndnls Posts: 25
    You have done an awsome job! I know it feels good when people notice your hard work and stuff..I know I love it, but the important thing is that you look at your self and feel great in how your body is changing. Keep up the good work!!

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  • Ilovesewing
    Ilovesewing Posts: 10 Member
    Not everyone is observant. I know I'm not..you could make all kinds of changes to yourself and chances are I wouldn't notice. I did 'discuss' someone else's weight loss one day with another person who asked me if I knew how 'Julie' was losing weight. Julie wasn't a friend of mine but I knew of her. So I said I didn't know how, but gee! We should ask her and do what she's doing!!! We never did of course, but it turns out she had cancer and did end up dying leaving behind 5 school aged children and a husband. It's not always a good thing to just bring up out of the blue.

    If you want someone to say something I suggest you bring it up to them first. When they ask you how you are, let them know you're eating/exercising differently these days and feel wonderful. They will take that as the okie dokie to comment.